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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

South Korean soccer club apologizes for putting sex dolls in stands

FC Seoul, a professional soccer team in the capital city of South Korea, has apologized for inadvertently choosing sex dolls to use as faux fans in the stands at a recent game.

FC Seoul thought it was getting standard mannequins from a local company, Dalkom, that wanted to lend a hand with their efforts. But fans watching at home began to notice that they looked suspiciously like sex dolls, which the club still tried to deny.

“We would like to apologize to the fans. We are very sorry about the supporting mannequins that were placed during the game on May 17,” the club said in a statement. “These mannequins may have been made to look and feel like real humans but they are not for sexual use — as confirmed by the manufacturer from the beginning.

“Our intention was to do something lighthearted in these difficult times,” the club said. “We will think hard about what we need to do to ensure that something like this never happens again.”



  1. As long as they were six feet apart why is it anybody's business?

  2. Its what you get with this generation..dummies!!


  3. Puts the hurt on mere bobble head giveaways!

  4. You can't make this stuff up.

  5. Huh?? What's the big deal? They are fully clothed, I'm a girl and this doesn't offend me??

  6. This is funny, and this has givin Joe Biden's campaign people an idea on how to fill seats when he speaks, and they will have the same brains as him!

  7. Was Nancy and Maxine there ?

    1. Who would service a replica doll of pelosi or maxine?

  8. How would any of the fans ever know if these dolls have sex? I don’t get it. They look like women with clothes and proper face coverings (of course).

  9. Simply hilarious
    I am rolling around on the floor . . . You know

  10. Hey, i used to date that one giving the peace sign! Just couldnt get her to cook

  11. Sleepy Joe is sniffing around right now!

  12. I have to admit however unanimated they are more attractive and as empty headed as the average sports fan.

  13. Was MOLLY there 🌈😁

  14. Yea the first doll baby at the bottom right was giving you the hand signal that all will be well---very soon. The 2nd one is just guiding the "aircraft" straight on in for a fast parking job. The peace sign doll baby is very excited to try her anal prestidigitation with both fingers at once. OUCH!!! The 4th doll is guiding you right into the hanger with no delays and on target for parking the aircraft correctly the first time. The last 3 dolls to the left in the front row are all saying the same thing---"what about me, I'm here too"????? YUUOOO--WHOOOO, here we are.

    Yea, I admit it, the old man has been around for a long time and has picked up some bad habits. Or maybe good habits depending on perspective. YYYYEEEEE HHHAAAAAA

  15. Cant we use these to replace the county council with? I mean we are getting screwed right?


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