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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Memorial Day Ceremony will not take place this month

SALISBURY, Md. – The Memorial Day Ceremony that is held each year at the Wicomico War Veterans’ Memorial will not take place this month because of COVID-19 gathering restrictions.

This year’s ceremony, organized by members of the Wicomico County War Memorial Committee, would have been the 18th annual event. Memorial Day is Monday, May 25.

“Although we will not have our program on May 25th, we will provide a Memorial Day service honoring our veterans both past and present as soon as it is totally safe for our senior veterans and all others to meet in a group setting,” said Tony Sarbanes, chairman of the committee. “We appreciate the understanding of all of our veterans, their families and other interested citizens.”

The memorial is located in front of the Wicomico Civic Center, which is a war memorial in itself. When information is available about a future service, it will be shared at www.WicomicoCivicCenter.org.


  1. Honor the veterans by taking measures to keep them health and uninfected.

  2. However, Jake will support Maniac Molly and her followers doing a one finger salute in its place!!

  3. 12:57
    Any details you wish to share?
    Like how specifically can I help keep a veteran healthy?
    How would my actions differ if I wish to help keep a non-veteran healthy?

    1. You start early or hungover from the weekend?

  4. Or disrespect them for being too frightened, and hollow to take 1 hour to pay respects to them. These men & women WILLINGLY walked into danger and faced death, so WE wouldnt have to. I personally find it LAME....

    1. You sir are an idiot. These events often include inviting older vets to attend. Why would anyone invite the most at risk demographic out for a public event at this time?

  5. So, what would happen if a bunch of people showed up anyway?

  6. Have most of you been there? The ceremony is usually filled with older people more than younger, healthier individuals. This is a wise choice to protect our seniors and our senior veterans that will be in attendance.

    1. You knew the answer before you asked. No these clowns have no knowledge or experience with the very topic they have so much to say about. Lol

  7. Speaking of the civic center, what are all the high dollar employees up to these days? They're not working but are still being paid (actually way overpaid - the hot dog cook makes $70000 a year). They should be on unemployment. Also, why would rec and parks plant sod at the complex and watch it die. How much did that cost taxpayers? There are no games being played - the fields should look perfect but they look like hell. Whoever is the HPAC manager should be terminated immediately. Sooner or later our league will start and there's gonna be a lot of pissed off people. Our county is very skilled at 1 thing - WASTING MONEY! BTW, thank you veterans.


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