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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Viewer Writes - Council Members Hose Residents on Water to Airport

Residents who live in the areas where the new water line runs to the airport were assured that they could not be annexed into the city and have to pay additional property taxes. Two council members repeatedly assured residents this could not happen with this type of an agreement. You know the one, the agreement that says only the airport can tie into this line and no one else can hook up to it. Except maybe if there is an emergency. Like the Beaver Run Elementary School hook up, which I believe was an emergency or so we were told. I mean if the water supply in that area is so, so bad then what about the people who live next to or across the street from this school. I mean, who defines "the Emergency"? Perhaps it was just cheaper to do it this way.

As you travel east out of Salisbury, past the stadium, there is a road, John Deer Road that runs parallel to Rt 50. It dead ends just after all the doctors offices. At the end of that dead end there has been property for sale for years but hasn't been sold. Amazingly, less than a week after council approved water to the airport an additional sign was attached on top of the old sign. Not kidding. You can still see the footprints of the persons who modified the signs. What does it say in bright red letters? "Water/Sewer". I believe the realtors have already listed what emergencies they can use to tie in and sell their long unsold properties. I believe there are listings on a little used (except by realtors) web site called Zillo that have predated the council's decision. I would love to have a realtor's crystal ball.

Now if if you still want to believe all these rules the council spouted just remember (except in emergencies, etc.). Also go back and look at the council meeting tapes and you will see where our realtors submitted this in a dual legislation manner where they say they don't really need public input on this resolution. They were just being nice!

So citizens, how does it feel being hosed by the Council? Mr. Holloway seems to be the only real councilman with the citizens concerns in his mind. Election/Changes.


  1. How do each vote???

  2. Of course you mention the one person who has all kinds of hands in the pot. All types of pots. A mover / shaker so to speak. He may mean well. But the Holloway name does have certain influence all over the Eastern Shore.

  3. Thanks for trying Joe Holloway. You can stay, the others MUST BE REPLACED at the next election. An their bank accounts need to be audited for the next 5 years.

  4. Who cares, I am tired of you slaves complaining... You know how these corrupt pieces of shit operate, and they have not deviated from that path for 25+ years... It is you all who are the problem... You let them do this stuff, you let them lie to you and tell you false promises, then after they hood-wink you, you just complain saying how much you hate this and that, but clearly you don't hate anything, clearly you are not tired of anything for if you truly were 100% tired and hate this stuff, you would stop it...

    Just like I told you about BERLIN TAXES, I said stand up and fight them now or they will keep going up, and ever since you let that POS raise taxes on land, you have since had sewer and water fees increase, they added on more land tax on top of the new already raised land tax and more to come, the county came in and raised taxes but for some reason you think you can just move away from taxes as if someone can't move to your new area and start raising taxes, like the dems did to VA about their guns... No one thought they would or could do it until they did!!!! And now nothing they can do to stop it!!!

    Oh well, you all morons deserve it all, 100%!!!! So keep on doing nothing, that is working great at fixing the problems you get on here to complain about!!!! oh by the way, why don't more of you waste even more of your time writing up articles over how you hate what the politicians do but you refuse to stop them!!!!

    1. 2:04
      Thank you for the detailed unkind remarks where you insulted every reader on this site.

      Maybe one day I will become as super intelligent as you ?

    2. 2:04 So do tell us what your Eminence has done to remedy the situation...keep voting democrat?

  5. What is Election/changes???? These brain dead citizens don't care, they don't even vote!!!! They sure do like to complain though!!! and let it happen all the same!!!!

  6. This is such stupidity on the part of the city, not to mention right up to the line of misrepresentation. It costs more to provide city services to residential homes than the taxes collected. There’s no reason why those homeowners couldn’t be part of a special water/sewer district just like the Orchard Circle area is.

  7. That's why after 41 years, i said "enough" and left. Everyone gets on social media and whines, but nobody ever goes to the council meetings and STANDS THEIR GROUND! They never publicly confront the members. They can't expect a handful if neighbors to do all the heavy lifting.

    1. If I'm not mistaken 3:19, it was a closed meeting

  8. Stop your crying - you have to request to be annex into water/sewer.

  9. This person doesn't pay attention. Where does Worwic get its water from?

  10. "So citizens, how does it feel being hosed by the Council? Mr. Holloway seems to be the only real councilman with the citizens concerns in his mind. Election/Changes."


    So I watched the same council meetings and the final vote was 5 to 2. For some reason, your mathematical skills are lacking. I was with you until I saw that sentence. Apparently someone is not paying attention!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for the detailed unkind remarks where you insulted every reader on this site.

    Maybe one day I will become as super intelligent as you ?

    May 19, 2020 at 3:15 PM

    Everything someone starts off a comment about a serious issue with "Who cares?" That proves to me that they are the ones who aren't intelligent ones.

    Who cares = LDS = Little Dk Syndrome

  12. Anonymous said...
    If I'm not mistaken 3:19, it was a closed meeting

    May 19, 2020 at 4:58 PM

    No it wasn't a closed meeting, it was on Zoom and the vote shouldn't have happened until the public is allowed back into the council chambers for real public meetings.

  13. Anonymous said...
    This person doesn't pay attention. Where does Worwic get its water from?

    May 19, 2020 at 10:21 PM

    What's your point? The county taxpayers built that water tower and GAVE it to the city of Salisbury for free.

  14. That was a sham deal perpetrated by John Cannon and Bill McCain with the help of Mike Dunn.

    1. This was something that came straight from Bob Culver. He’s behind this thing 100%, and he initiated it as the executive.

  15. Bill McCain has a direct interest in this project, he holds the paper on his former appraisal firm the did the appraisals for the easments.


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