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Friday, May 01, 2020

"Something Far More Troubling Here" - Trump Rages At Docs Exposing FBI Entrapment Of General Flynn

The release of the Flynn documents highlight what Attorney General William Barr said on “The Ingraham Angle” on April 10th and stated that “far more troubling” material will be released as a result of the investigation of U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Barr stated that “My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just the mistakes or sloppiness.”

He added “there was something far more troubling here. We’re going to get to the bottom of it. And if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted.”

And, on the heels of last night's revelations that expose Comey (and perhaps Obama) as complicit in allegedly trapping Flynn, President Trump has tweeted his disgust:

As Jonathan Turley opined earlier, the Flynn material discloses additional evidence of a hostile intent to target key Trump aides, including the use of a law that is notoriously and presumptively unconstitutional. The material reflects a wild search for any ground upon which Flynn could be entrapped.



  1. People need to go to jail for this or we have no justice system for the powerful

  2. US who use our brains, which is not many of you, already know this crap and don't need news articles and documents to prove what I know to be true... You people waste so much damn time on just running your mouth, imagine what can be fixed if you put that to good use???

    1. And why are you adding your 2 cents?

    2. Put your knowledge to use 12:15, what ja waiting on Ace?

  3. Nobody forced Flynn to lie.

    1. Really. Isn't that the justice system today. Threats from authorities that you will rod in prison if you don't plead guilty. What would you do. Two yrs or 20 in jail🤔

    2. Exactly correct 9:02
      The prosecutors are in bed with judges, it's where the deep state starts.


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