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Friday, May 01, 2020

They Can't Be Serious!

Separated by plexiglass? Experts discuss how restaurants will change

Some restaurants have proposed performing customer temperature checks and only seating small parties.
Many Americans are still under strict stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, amid fervent calls from a growing number of groups to restart the economy, several states have begun the process of reopening businesses.

Restaurants in particular face unique hurdles when it comes to how they may serve customers in the immediate future and beyond. Now diners are wondering what their next meal out might look like.

Will people be forced to wear masks at all times? Will customers have to get their temperatures checked before entering any eatery? Will friends and partners be forced to sit behind plexiglass dividers?



  1. If this stupid sh*t is put into place you may as well just close your doors for good!

  2. Yep. That's what it will look like until a vaccine or a reliable test for antibodies.

    Just the way it is. It won't be forever, and I can't imagine that by this time next year why things won't go back to normal.

  3. Might as well stay closed. Who wants to put up with that crap?

  4. They are trying to destroy small businesses. Restaurants won't survive with limited customers. How can you pay your bills if the government limits you to 25 or even 50% capacity?

  5. In reality, I do not think I would be comfortable eating a meal with a mask on. Just saying,,,

  6. ID2020 solves all of that.
    Scan for microchip
    If present, person is approved by the government to be a customer.
    If not present, person is to be exiled and treated like a leper

    Easy Button

  7. So arrived in the restaurant in a vehicle together. Eat behind the glass then leave in the car again together. Such intelligence

  8. That right there is stupid. You can't eat with a face mask on.

    1. Melanial....
      what do you expect from them?

  9. Socialism at its best, and you morons are gobbling it up hook line and sinker!!!!

  10. It's finally coming out now , this virus is now being used to promote a crooked election by mail-in votes . I'm talking about the November presidential election. The democrats have stopped at nothing , it's now time to curb this with what ever means necessary and I do mean anything it takes including war .

  11. Replies
    1. We all know you lack taste.

  12. Bob Aswell...RealistMay 1, 2020 at 9:07 AM

    This is the example of madness we're experiencing today. How do you eat with the mask on? If I go out to eat most times I'm with someone I have feelings for. I'm going to eat like this in this atmosphere yet I'm going to ride to the restaurant in the cabin of the automobile we come in? I don't think so.
    This is wholesale stupidity. I'm not going to do it and others aren't either. Mr. Businessman the sooner you realize this is crap the longer you'll be in business. Stunts like this will be your ruination thanks to the dumb bastards you helped elect.
    Any banker will tell you the worst loan risks are restaurants because of the trends in dining and quality of the food offering. If everything isn't honky dory you won't see that diner(s) again. No repeat business....No business.

  13. Save all these stories so we can compare to next year

  14. There's complaints to open up since everyone needs $$$$ OPEN THE ECONOMY.

    People are concerned because there has not be clear/concise communication. Certain networks say this, others say that, some don't televise things, 2 slam people. Lack of good communication makes folks confused.

    Rules will prohibit how many can enter businesses (25%).

    Rules state you must wear a mask.

    Rules require plexiglass.

    Now rules may require plexiglass on tables at restaurants?

    Keep initiating prohibitors when OPENING THE ECONOMY and no one will come.

    Endstate = EPIC FAIL

  15. If it gets restaurants back in business i am okay with this

  16. Bring back drive ins. They were fun and you didn't have to hear all the chatter of small talk and tv's blaring.

    1. I agree and with blue tooth everywhere you could stream through your car

    2. That's a really good idea that could save some businesses.

  17. A psychological move to institute their socialist /communist agenda. Called "CONTROL the People".

  18. this too shall pass...stupid on steroids...

  19. Joe
    38 states are set to re open today SO F HOGAN LETS REOPEN.... HEY THAT RYMED.

  20. If this will bring back laid off workers and help small businesses then we all win in this instance.

  21. Twenty years ago we didn’t have to be at the airport and checked in an hour in advance in order to stand in a line with our shoes off to have our ID checked and our bags checked and in some cases our bodies checked.
    It is normal now and even though every one gripes about the TSA line not a lot has changed.
    People don’t like change but we learn to accept it.
    Those that aren’t willing to change have the option not to fly and now the option will be to not eat inside the restaurant. It will be up to you.

    1. You no longer have to do anything except go through x-ray. I see you don't fly at all.

  22. When restaurants and bars open expect to use plastic cutlery, plates and cups for the foreseeable future.

    Also look for the foam ban to be dropped for take out containers and cups.

  23. Do you go out to eat or dine? If you dine then please stay home - dining is enjoying your company and food. If you eat out just because you are just hungry - if so, go to McDonald's. Open the restaurant now.

  24. I'd rather get a burger or sub and eat in my car then go through that just to be inside.

  25. This pic is obviously a joke.

  26. Won't happeb. There is no plexiglass left to be bought. If you don't believe me, go try to buy a sheet of any thickness.


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