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Friday, May 01, 2020

Michigan House Won’t Extend State of Emergency, Votes to Sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

The Michigan House of Representatives declined to extend Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s state of emergency another 28 days, and instead voted on Thursday to sue her.

Whitmer’s initial state of emergency order, which is separate from the stay-at-home order, expires on Thursday and requires legislative action to be lengthened.

Negotiations on that front fell apart on Wednesday when Whitmer refused to make any concessions on the matter, asserting she has the ultimate control of emergencies.

So the House voted to authorize Speaker Lee Chatfield to sue the governor, saying Whitmer’s “unchecked and undemocratic approach” is not the best way, ABC 12 reported.

“The current status quo relies on one-size-fits-all edicts that unfairly punish millions of people across the state without giving them any recourse or voice in the process,” Chatfield said.

“The people deserve a better solution, and we can provide it.”

The House also passed a resolution restricting a governor’s state of emergency declarations to 14 days. Whitmer has vowed to veto that legislation.



  1. The house Doesn't have the FINAL SAY.

  2. The governor doesn't need approval from the legislative branch to extend emergency orders. Lockdowns and things of that nature can be granted through executive order. The only thing the legislative branch can do is sue, or threaten to halt funding for certain programs.
    Their vote yesterday was meant to only get media attention.

  3. They do, it is called 'veto override', with enough votes in legislative branch they can override any executive veto.

  4. @1:19 just to clear things up, you are correct in normal circumstances a governor can veto something then the legislative branch can override it, but in this case we are talking about an Executive Order.

    Congress cannot override an executive order. The legislative branch doesn't have police powers only the executive does, therefore they cannot legally pass laws to end a lockdown. This was decided in the landmark supreme court case of Immigration and Naturalization vs Chada. Although that case applied only to the Federal Government, the same principles are at work here.

    The only course of action available to the House is to take this Court, or threaten to cut funding for certain programs like unemployment. This course of action could force to the governor to agree to lift the lockdown.

    1. Read the article, she was going to veto legislation not an executive order!!

  5. Something has to be done to stop these Unconstitutional demoncrats or there WILL be a civil war.

    1. That's what is coming and that is what is NEEDED.

    2. This is where the 2 Nd amendment comes in

  6. Put women in power and this is what you get.

  7. 5:34 You are a jackass. Just because 1 female Governor is power hungry is not a refection on all women. She 8s Democrat - need I say more - of yes, you are a Pillock.

  8. GOOD !!! Get her OUT !!!


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