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Friday, May 22, 2020


Salisbury– Mayor Jake Day has announced that a second municipal employee of the City of Salisbury has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee, a member of the Salisbury Fire Department, is currently presenting with a cough, but no other symptoms. The employee will remain in home isolation as mandated by the Wicomico County Health Department

City Administrator and COVID-19 Czar, Julia Glanz said, “To date the Salisbury Fire Department has transported 76 COVID-19 positive patients, with 328 PUIs (Persons Under Investigation), and while our team is taking every precaution possible, we knew the likelihood of another team member getting infected was high. We are supporting this Firefighter to make sure this period of isolation at home is as easy as possible on them and their family. I hope those in our community will continue to follow good hygiene habits and stay home as much as possible so our first responders can go home safely to their families.”

Essential City workers have their temperatures taken at the beginning of each shift, and are required to wear N95 masks at all times when on-duty. While these measures can help to minimize the spread of the virus, no method of protection is 100% effective at keeping you infection-free.

While mitigation remains vitally important, we have already begun to see the disease exact its sad toll here in Salisbury. In honor of our neighbors who have lost their battles with COVID-19, all City of Salisbury flags continue to be flown at half-mast until further notice.



    Covid-19 Czar!!! Where TF did they come up with that title! ROTFLMFAO!! This city is still an F’n JOKE!!

    1. The city of Salisbury is worse than a joke! It is more like the stuff at the very bottom of a septic tank! Two places I will never go without being dragged there kicking and screaming all the way...shoot me first!!

    2. A F'n joke lol

  2. I was told by Glanz that it was flu like symptoms...not just a cough so someone doesn't have their story straight.

  3. Why is this even news?

  4. Well, the boy mayor will see fir to give them another bonus, for doing the job they signed up for.

  5. That would be czarina.

  6. It's only just begun.......

  7. People die every day of things out of their control, 365 days every year, at about the same frequency and numbers. This just isn't that special. Put the flag where it belongs and leave it there.

  8. First one, an EMT female? who was supposed to quarantine, had her fire fighting boy friend over every night, and was out and about when she was supposed to be home? So he was draggin in to the fire house? And then it got dragged into peoples homes and I am sure out to Acme where they are known to congregate? Is that a possible scenario?

  9. hey this isnt one of those photo oped individuals is it ?

  10. "Anonymous said...
    That would be czarina.

    May 22, 2020 at 2:14 PM"

    LOL But you are talking Salisbury here. Day and Co. can't strike anyone as being worldly and sophisticated. They couldn't name a czar or czarina much less know the correct title.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    Covid-19 Czar!!! Where TF did they come up with that title! ROTFLMFAO!! This city is still an F’n JOKE!!

    May 22, 2020 at 12:03 PM"

    What's even funnier is like stated above the dunces don't even use the right title. A male is a czar. Leave it to Sby though to be clueless.

  12. They better be wearing their rainbow face masks or else I'm telling Mr. Day!

  13. Liberals are drunk with power. This is why they always make the wrong decision

  14. They can take those blue and tan flags completely down and trash them.

  15. I have days when I cough - so what.

  16. 2 people at my job tested positive over the past 2 months. Temp at door taken, masks on at all times. I've been scared to work but more scared not to, bills. Need a place to live. Cant get months behind and never catch up. So I work 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.

  17. So? I had it back in January. Felt like dog crap for 2 days, one day with 100.1 temp. Tested for seasonal flue negative. No big deal. It doesn't kill everybody, folks! I'm 66, immune, and now can't be a carrier.

    Open the effing bar!


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