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Friday, May 22, 2020

I Couldn't Agree More


  1. Short, sweet, to the point and easily understandable.

  2. Hey after all she is from Baltimore need I say more.

  3. Make Pelosi eat Shhht Not Chicken !!!! LOL LOL

  4. Just leave out the word "crazy". The sad fact is that real bat shit has value as guano which can be sold and it has now been vilified by equating it to something as worthless as pelosi. She is just total cost, waste of time, money, effort and has no market value. In fact, that POS would be a cost that could never be recouped. How much would you pay for San Francisco, her constituency. Would you even be willing to take it for free. How about if they paid you to take it. I bet there is not enough money available that would entice somebody to just take it. You have to admit that sometimes a turd will just not go down a flushed toilet even with numerous attempts. pelosi is that turd. In both looks, smell, and intelligence. I apologize to a real turd for the denigration.

  5. Even California cows know the truth.


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