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Friday, May 22, 2020

Baltimore mayor urges Trump to reconsider Memorial Day visit to Fort McHenry with city under stay-at-home order

Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young is urging President Donald Trump to reconsider his planned visit to the Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine on Memorial Day, in light of the stay-at-home order in place in the city to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“I wish that the President, as our nation’s leader, would set a positive example and not travel during this holiday weekend,” Young said in a statement Thursday.

But the president has no intention of changing his plans, according to the White House.

“The brave men and women who have preserved our freedoms for generations did not stay home and the President will not either as he honors their sacrifice by visiting such a historic landmark in our Nation’s history,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said.


Publishers Notes: SCREW RINO HOGAN!


  1. "“I wish that the President, as our nation’s leader, would set a positive example and not travel during this holiday weekend,” Young said in a statement Thursday."

    Everyone else wants our economy to open and bounce back. Did you issue this statement while visiting Ocean CIty like other citizens are doing this weekend? The President is also a citizen and entitled to visit public sites such as Ft McHenry.

    So, what are you bringing to Baltimore as Mayor? We've already had gift cards for poor youths and Children's books.

  2. Why would anybody want to go to that trash city?

    Baltimore is a Sh*****e!!

  3. Ravens or Orioles games only. In and out like a prom night date.

  4. President Trump IS SETTING AN EXAMPLE and that is to OPEN THE COUNTRY back up. Americans are risk takers, strong and independent and generally will fight for freedom.
    But a word of caution to President Trump. Fort McHenry is awesome but the rest of Baltimore is a cesspool so in and out would be good.

  5. Hogan is a dimwit. He is only following the script that his handlers give him. He is only good for posting selfies from Ravens' games.

  6. Why should the Mayor care, since they are on a "stay at home order"? That means nobody should be out and about. Less security needed for Pres Trumps visit.

    Who expected Adolph Hogan to appear at Fort McHenry? Adolph Hogan, aka Hitler, has never supported Pres Trump or the Republican agenda. Adolph Hogan is a traitor to the Republican Party and US Democracy. By Adolph Hogan not even being respectful towards Pres Trump shows his insolence towards the office of President of the US.

    1. 3:48
      You lost sight of the reason you (and I) dislike Governor Hogan. He violates the Bill of Rights. He is not a legitimate Governor.

      But nobody swears an oath to Republican Party or Democrat Party. The politics are all fake now (if ever) and the 2 Parties are false opposition. The richest people in the world finance campaigns of both parties.

    2. So correct 539. Rich elite play a chess game all the time and we don't realize we are the Pawns.

  7. he needs to level that gar hole and start over.


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