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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Shuts Down Tent City On Lake Street

As most of you know, yesterday’s storm destroyed the tents at Camp HOPE. We placed our guests indoors overnight so they didn’t have to be out in the weather.

Due to the collaborations and partnerships developed within our Continuum Of Care, the Somerset County Heath Dept. and Seton Center have graciously offered to place our guests into temporary hotel rooms and will offer more permanent housing options through rapid rehousing and other resources.

We will NO LONGER need volunteers. We appreciate those who have already volunteered and those who have signed up for dates to come.

We will still need meals. We are looking for breakfast items like juice, granola bars, pop tarts and fruit. No hot breakfasts going forward. We will still be looking for hot lunches and dinner. We are no longer at Lake Street. Please call or text me at 443-397-2149 if you have volunteered a meal to get the location.

Please sign up on our meal train for meal donations. All meals must be individually packed or wrapped. No buffet style please.


  1. Lots of “section 8”housing is almost ready for new occupants. Just look around at all the construction.

  2. Good intentions I assume but anyone who has spent even one night camping in the rain knows it sucks.

  3. So once again like we stated Jake Boy did not think things through. So what about the money etc put into this tent city are we the people going to pay for it like all the other pie in the sky dreams? Once again your head and those that support you have your heads at your backside. How many of you that voted him in for a second term still believe he knows what he is doing? Shut him down now, and get a real mayor in like Wayne King if he would still even be interested. It is time to end the dog and pony show. And those supporters who will cry it was the weather no one can predict these things no they can't put they could wrap their brains around things that are priorities. You will find chasing windmills just costs $ you don't have and we don't want to pay for.

  4. Maybe you can't predict the weather but anyone from the shore should know it rains a lot this time of year. A tent city may work in CA where it is dry most of the time but it's a terrible idea for this region.

  5. Doesn't Jake have Xtra room since his wifey will be going to prison soon ?

    1. ECI staff say LOCK IN Inmate Jake DayMay 2, 2020 at 8:44 PM

      Jake Day should be in prison for beating and abusing his wife and kids

  6. Why reinvent the wheel, Halo and Christian shelter do this every day. Maybe Salisbury should contact them to get direction to see how it works.

  7. Dumb idea....The homeless must be removed from the street and placed in care facilities

  8. How much did all that cost us?

  9. Someone with a hotel must be getting a fat government check

  10. @11:27 not only are they going to be getting fat "guvment" checks but also free money for renovations, I mean the usual Andy Harris handouts to progressive liberals bullshit. Day got his end result free housing for the homeless.

  11. The hotel that was the location for a Human Trafficking bust....Cornelius Briddell.....

  12. 10:53 I've been told she's already moved out and gone back to the Western Shore...

  13. Please call or text me at 443-397-2149 if you have volunteered a meal to get the location.


    Is that Jake Day's cell number? I want to call him but if it is someone else's I don't want to text someone I don't know.

  14. "We placed our guests indoors overnight..."

    Our guest. I love how they sugarcoat homeless bums with criminal records. Typical Libtard response.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Lots of “section 8”housing is almost ready for new occupants. Just look around at all the construction.

    May 2, 2020 at 9:15 AM

    Who is going to pay for it and why?

  16. Anonymous said...
    So once again like we stated Jake Boy did not think things through. So what about the money etc put into this tent city are we the people going to pay for it like all the other pie in the sky dreams? Once again your head and those that support you have your heads at your backside. How many of you that voted him in for a second term still believe he knows what he is doing? Shut him down now, and get a real mayor in like Wayne King if he would still even be interested. It is time to end the dog and pony show. And those supporters who will cry it was the weather no one can predict these things no they can't put they could wrap their brains around things that are priorities. You will find chasing windmills just costs $ you don't have and we don't want to pay for.

    May 2, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    You will find chasing windmills just costs $ you don't have

    That is what Jake Day, Mike Dumb and John Cannon are forcing on the taxpaying citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County. Don't fall for this Bull$hit.

  17. I'm confused? Why are they shutting this down? Did they not anchor the tents down? Did the tents blow away? Did the new tents leak? What was the real reason the shut this abortion down??

  18. Anonymous said...
    So once again like we stated Jake Boy did not think things through. So what about the money etc put into this tent city are we the people going to pay for it like all the other pie in the sky dreams? Once again your head and those that support you have your heads at your backside. How many of you that voted him in for a second term still believe he knows what he is doing? Shut him down now, and get a real mayor in like Wayne King if he would still even be interested. It is time to end the dog and pony show. And those supporters who will cry it was the weather no one can predict these things no they can't put they could wrap their brains around things that are priorities. You will find chasing windmills just costs $ you don't have and we don't want to pay for.

    May 2, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    I'm not sure Wayne King is the best choice but I will take him over the Socialist Jakey Boi any day.

    1. It's hard to fight the "good ole boys" in Salisbury. People who voted for Day have an agenda that only Day can help with. Many of you who post on this blog would be better than Day. Go for it Joe.

    2. Good Ole Boys

      Are they old?

      Did you really mean to type: Freemasons?

  19. Anonymous said...
    Maybe you can't predict the weather but anyone from the shore should know it rains a lot this time of year. A tent city may work in CA where it is dry most of the time but it's a terrible idea for this region.

    May 2, 2020 at 10:46 AM

    Why is it a terrible idea for our region? Tents are water proof.

  20. Another bad idea from Jake Day. When the Hell are you lemmings going to wake up. I am ashamed of all the so-called Republicans that endorsed and voted for this clown.

    Feel free to list the names of these embarrassing Turncoat Republicans that endorsed and/or voted for this Socialist Clown.

    1. Larry Hogan

  21. So now you are placing homeless or street people in hotels with citizens (taxpayers) providing free meals - WTH is wrong with you people. People who want to work can't because you stupid Governor won't let them and all you can worry about are illegal people 9in the streets during storm. What about the kids of the unemployed who are now so confused on what next - no sports - no school - no food in most cases and you are worried about the street people. Tell Day and Hogan to get off their asses and open up Maryland.

  22. Well again nice try...again FAIL. How many more FAILURES until something really bad happens?

    Get out of politics Jake Fail!

  23. Anonymous said...
    Someone with a hotel must be getting a fat government check

    May 2, 2020 at 11:27 AM

    That is what I was thinking.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Doesn't Jake have Xtra room since his wifey will be going to prison soon ?

    May 2, 2020 at 10:53 AM

    Bahahahahahahaha! Damn Ho!

  25. If Liz needs some Flexeril or Oxycodone I can help her out. Wink, Wink.

  26. Anonymous said...
    So now you are placing homeless or street people in hotels with citizens (taxpayers) providing free meals - WTH is wrong with you people. People who want to work can't because you stupid Governor won't let them and all you can worry about are illegal people 9in the streets during storm. What about the kids of the unemployed who are now so confused on what next - no sports - no school - no food in most cases and you are worried about the street people. Tell Day and Hogan to get off their asses and open up Maryland.

    May 2, 2020 at 1:50 PM

    I agree with you 100%

  27. I keep hearing all these programs protecting "Renters." WTH!! What about us, the taxpaying homeowners who have mortgages to pay and taxes to pay. We pay the damn taxes to give the renters free rent payments. WTH is wrong with that picture??

  28. Anonymous said...
    Well again nice try...again FAIL. How many more FAILURES until something really bad happens?

    Get out of politics Jake Fail!

    May 2, 2020 at 1:55 PM

    I agree. He is a political failure just like John Cannon and Bill McCain is. All liberal failures at politics living off the taxpayers.

  29. Anonymous said...
    The hotel that was the location for a Human Trafficking bust....Cornelius Briddell.....

    May 2, 2020 at 12:45 PM

    Corruption at it's best.

  30. I knew this was coming. Giving them a tent was just a precursor to "free" housing. Oh look...now all these homeless people are residing in Somerset County. Liberal governments SUCKS!

  31. Camp Hope gets Change.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Another bad idea from Jake Day. When the Hell are you lemmings going to wake up. I am ashamed of all the so-called Republicans that endorsed and voted for this clown.

    Feel free to list the names of these embarrassing Turncoat Republicans that endorsed and/or voted for this Socialist Clown.

    1. Larry Hogan

    May 2, 2020 at 1:48 PM

    I can help you with that list.

    Feel free to list the names of these embarrassing Turncoat Republicans that endorsed and/or voted for this Socialist Clown.

    1. Governor Larry Hogan
    2. Senator Mary Beth Carozza
    3) Senator Addie Eckhardt
    4) Delegate Carl Anderton
    5) Sheriff Mike Lewis
    6) Wicomico States Attorney Jamie Dykes
    7) Wicomico Council President John Cannon
    8) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee President Mark McIver
    9) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee Vice Chair Muir Boda
    10) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee member Linda Luffman
    11) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee member Wendy Anspacher
    12) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee member Nate Sansom
    13) Wicomico Rep. Central Committee member John Palmer
    14) Congressman Harri's employee Shawn Jester
    15) Wicomico County Republican Club President John Rankin

    Please continue to name names.

  33. Sick of Somerset Home Grown StupidityMay 2, 2020 at 4:58 PM

    WTH is the chain of thought here? Bring all these Welfare Cases to Somerset Co.? Where the Hell are the Somerset Co. Commissioners being silent when we had 12 cases and now the statistics show thirty-some. I hope every one of those stupid bastards get beat the next time around. Like its not bad enough here now, they must allow others not even in this County to send more trouble here. What a bunch of empty heads running the show. People, When you go to vote this time go to vote against and maybe someone with some damn sense will assume these offices.

  34. They should have sent them to the elks club or the civic center after they were trucked to the shorebirds and tested.
    The source for most Covid in Wicomico is nasty Haitians in chicken plants and nasty female Haitians working in nursing homes.
    Last year I saw John Cannon and Randy Day both bandstand for these illegals saying they are a big part of our community and need to be accounted for. Hell, John Cannon even stood on stage at a Haitian party. He probably rents to most of them thru Government assistance where he is paid directly.So there you go people the Covid dots start with these two

  35. Bitch when they set it up......now bitch because they shut it down!!! Some of folks are jokes......

  36. nonymous said...
    I knew this was coming. Giving them a tent was just a precursor to "free" housing. Oh look...now all these homeless people are residing in Somerset County. Liberal governments SUCKS!

    May 2, 2020 at 2:36 PM

    And just like that Wicomico ended it homeless problem. Now its your problem Somerset.

  37. Just tossing away more taxpayer dollars.

  38. Jake day is like a little squirrel with ADHD. He scurries around digging up this and that,makes a mess and never finishes anything. He's been an unmitigated diaster for Salisbury.

  39. City of Salisbury is lucky none of the homeless utilizing those tents was injured or killed when that storm packing 50 mph gusts came in and destroyed tent city. Since it's clearly apparent that the City had the funds to place these people into hotel/motel rooms in the first place, it appears tent city was nothing more than a publicity stunt by the mayor.


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