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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper: ‘F*ck Each and Every Trump Supporter’

Rutgers University Professor Brittney Cooper unleashed a tirade at supporters of President Donald Trump in a social media thread this week. In response to the recent campaign to end Chinese virus shutdowns, Cooper posted, “Fuck each and every Trump supporter.”

According to a report by Campus Reform, Rutgers University Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Brittney Cooper came under fire this week after taking aim at Trump supporters in a lengthy Twitter thread.

“I am saying some obvious things this morning because as a country we are too good at skipping over the audience and we might as well say this to people as often as we can. Fuck each and every Trump supporter. You all absolutely did this. You are to blame,” Cooper wrote in one tweet.



  1. Ain't she a breath of fresh hot air. Nice article, you'll be able to show your family members what u did forever....aaaaand you r now forgotten.


  2. Same dumb woman who earlier said this:
    Professor Cooper has a history of bizarre remarks. In October 2019, Cooper argued during an interview on Oprah’s television network that the policies of the Trump administration have led to high levels of obesity for Black women.
    “I hate when people talk about Black women being obese. I hate it because it becomes a way to blame us for a set of conditions that we didn’t create,” Cooper said. “We are living in the Trump era. And look, those policies kill our people. You can’t get access to good health care, good insurance.”

    Trump is to blame because she can't push back from the table and now she wants to say is to blame because blacks are dying in disproportionate numbers. She says white only want to open the country because they know it will kill more blacks. The sad thing is that anyone should respond to ignorant woman they will be branded "racist."

    And this is what they pay mega bucks to go to college and listen to. Thank God I am old and won't be here for much more of this foolishness.

    1. She did NOT put on all that weight in the last 4 years.

    2. Now now 137, our generation needs to be heard since the snowflakes of tomorrow will not have the knowledge base to figure out the important issues...to include WRITING, MULTIPLICATION, READING, COMPREHENSION, and most of all COMMUNICATION verbally.

      We cannot give up or what we have accomplished will be for not.

      Hang in there my friend, we must continue to make a difference.

  3. This is a perfect example why there should be no TENURE in college for Professors. Another example on incompetent and lack of knowledge of subjects. They just push for indoctrination into Socialism / communism. Destroying Democracy and replacing it with Dictatorship is the main objective.

  4. Nice XXXXL tee shirt slim.

    1. you aint getting that in a xxxxl

  5. go back to the zoo you baboon!

  6. everyone should email the university.she wasnt saying that when she got her trump check!

  7. What a role model.

  8. Trump 2020 you fat POS

  9. High blood pressure, diabetic. Hopefully Corona gets her...

  10. Cooper you are a racist pig. Put on your p-hat and go out and march to nowhere.

  11. Will see u on the streets you fat pig if you can break away from Popeyes 😂


  13. Body by Little Debbie.

  14. 1:41 - I understand what you are saying. There are benefits to the tenure system. However, this is much deeper than that. I can’t in my wildest dreams imagine how a hiring committee could have brought this animal in, had her go through a series of interviews and then all agree that she was the person they need to hire. Shame on the department that hired her.

  15. She looks like she could do what she said ... theres enough to go around

  16. What a disgusting person.

  17. She's playing the 'victim' card by refusing to accept responsibility for her own lack of self control relating to her poor diet.
    Her anger at Trump is really anger with herself for her lack of personal responsibility regarding her obesity.

  18. She teaches sexuality? Eewww

    1. 3:46 Affirmative Action boo at its finest ;)

  19. f*ck the professor.

  20. Biden’s vp pick.

  21. I wonder who paid for her so called education. I am sure it was FULLY TAXPAYER FUNDED ALONG WITH DA POKE CHOPS AND HOG MULLS.

  22. Instead of worrying about US the Trump supporters this big fat slop skank needs to worry about herself. She's a low life who is not worthy to be even breath the same air as us something she best not ever forget Diabetes heart attack waiting to happen and it can't happen fast enough. She serves no positive role in society And when it does I hope to be able to take my dog to pee on her grave.

  23. What does she teach? All you can eat 101?

  24. She needs to raped by a big silver back if he would have her

  25. Parents, be very careful of where you send your kids to college. Also monitor their courses and their textbooks!

  26. Classy lady, for sure!

  27. Northwest Woodsman: That creature is a Rutgers professor? My god, what has my once wonderful country come to? Too bad some of us have become so whipped and timid as to allow such a travesty as affirmative action and multiculturalism to ruin our nations formally great institutions. Better get ready because things like this will only increase as they see us as weak and that just encourages them to push their agendas even harder. To quote Jefferson, “ Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate that these people are to be free, nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government”. I believe that he was absolutely correct. Our ancestors should have listened to Jefferson and Lincoln who also had a similar opinion.

    1. ‘People’ like her were hired years ago and gained power within the institutions over the years.
      Eventually they gained power and influence within the Human Resources Dept. and this is where downfall started. When an opening for a new professor is available she and her kind will decide who gets the job.
      This same regression is happening in nearly every count school system. POC and the LBTG groups are now in charge of the prominent news outlets. Gays comprise about 3% of the population but over 80% of the‘ newscasts’ and talk show hosts are LGBTQ. Pick a day when you’re watching TV and make a list of those who are straight and those who are not. Ask yourself if the gay vs straight proportion represents the population.

    2. 1:09 You hit the nail on the head💯

  28. College GraduateMay 2, 2020 at 7:40 PM

    She looks Hungry

    I understand she teaches Nutrition 615 pmcomments @ School.

  29. We say FKKKKK Her !!!! She DOn't matter !!!

  30. She’s just exercising her black privilege

  31. Bitch needs some keto in her life...


  32. She's pissed at the patriarchy for not picking her in the recent NFL draft. She planned to study ballet in the off-season. Orange man bad for crushing her dreams.

  33. Dang Brittney, ya better back off dem HoHo's....just saying

  34. I feel sorry for any toilet unfortunate enough to accommodate her immensity. She's so fat that every time she goes to the beach, the tide comes in.

  35. I’m assuming it’s Trumps fault too that she looks like a beached whale🙄

  36. Replies
    1. Hey 9:16 Why ya gotta be giving Silerbacks a bad name :)

  37. Nothing but a big fat PIG!!!!

  38. I gots me tenure IMOPEACH, IMOPEACH, IMOPEACH...and THIS pathetic excuse for a human is teaching some people kids....VERY DISTURBING

  39. Whats a femme lol

  40. What is she > Professor of Racism ??? DUGH

  41. One look says it all......


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