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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Read The Last Part, Governor Hogan Is Full Of Sh!t!!!

"Number of users in line ahead of you: 173,809"!!!


  1. I've been in line since 7am and there are still 51K before me. This is so unacceptable.

    1. 3:18 you had better have left 6 feet of separation in that line, or NO CHECK FOR YOU! lololol :)

  2. How this ends up after being "in line" for 2 hours was that you given login access for 10 minutes. Guess what? Your can't log in! Go back to the end of the line! I am not making this up.

  3. I don't even need to file for unemployment, but this pisses me off for these people that desperately need it.

  4. You would think they would have learned something from the Obamacare website fiasco. Why don't they reopen the system that was working up until Friday morning and add staff to accommodate the additional load that the virus has created? That's better than NOTHING working.

    I hope Hogan is enjoying the sales commission for the $9M sale of supplies purchased from S Korea.

  5. The only way they can get people to go back to work is to make it annoying to have to do this every week.

  6. $&), I thought this was supposed to make everything faster. One stop shop! What happened

  7. Don't make ANY mistakes if you ever get on , Can't go back to Edit either !!!

    Guess what > and their phone number 410-767-2534 they tell you to
    call if you made any mistakes is OFF LINE & don't work !!! Your FKKKD !!!

    Alot (see facebook) made a BIG mistake by putting the last week's
    Unemployment payment as WAGE income ( should have said NONE)
    Now they Won't Qualify for Unemployment & will have to Get it Fixed by
    a HUMAN BEING if they ever get one !!! Can't today Mon have to WAIT
    till WED they say !!! No check tomorrow then !!! FKKKKKD !!!

  8. I would have better odds just getting the virus and seeing what happens.

  9. Unemployment workers mad they have to work while most state workers off with pay.

  10. My son filed March 20th and still hasn’t received it.

  11. Fire the Vendor / Simplify the damn website !!! New site is a 8 page
    Nightmare !!! The Old system was Far less hassle !! Less needed

    Get more Servers & Tech support / Edit capability in case of mistakes

    They want Toooo much Unnesessary information that the old site did Not
    ask for, so why the Hell does this one need it ?????
    New site drops you Off all the time & Can't get back on !! NOT ANY Good !!
    They try to finds ways to Keep you from getting it , with their Q & A
    and No-one to talk to website !!! Nightmare Maryland 2020 !!!!

    1. All this on a low bid contract in a state with a spending freeze. Too bad they (the legislature) spent the $500 million surplus earlier this year.

  12. "I would have better odds just getting the virus and seeing what happens."

    At least you will get fed at the hospital since you have no money to buy food. I'm sure the virus is less painful than dying from starvation. Thanks Maryland and thanks Hogan

    PLEASE PUT THE OLD SYSTEM THAT USED TO WORK FOR most of us back and fire the individual who made the decision to replace it with the wonderful One Stop (?).

  13. Sheer incompetence!

  14. Did you see the interview with PENCE where he basically called Hogan out for buying test kits that are tainted from South Korea??? Claiming he doesn't have the capacity or the tests to test people and PENCE went on live TV and said, he can do what he wants but I have no clue why Hogan would need to buy test from SK because they already have enough!!!! Sounds like he wasn't to be like Cuomo who ran is mouth for days about needing ventilators and then trump say why not use the ones you have stockpiled, next thing you know, Cuomo says jack shit about ventilators and the very next day is giving them to other states, trying to look like a good guy giving the needy people what they need!!!! Just like how this moron read a fake letter from some fake farmer about donating 1 god damn mask... And you all believe this BS hook line and sinker...

  15. What?

    You guys don’t like being dependent on the government?

  16. Why would any of you be surprised of government incompetence?

    It has been rampant my whole life - 63 yrs.

  17. Never filed for this in my life just trying to make it to my social security starts
    Been on line waiting all day put in info it kicks you off
    Got to wait for another 725000 plus at this point ahead of me

    Some body needs to fire somebody now
    But this is what you get for low bid and state of Maryland
    Just a little taste of what socialism would be like leaves a bad taste in my mouth

  18. Just proves that the government will NOT be there when you need it. Th government is only there when they need your tax payment.

    The government and all that work there are takers!

  19. One would think Hogan a Democrat the way he is running Maryland.

  20. Hogan is all over the media bad mouthing the President...he has one job..Maryland and he can't get it right..the new site is crap...let trump fix it

  21. This damn shhht needs to be addressed & not just swept under the damn
    Rug by Govt !!!

    This is SERIOUS people !!! NO way in Hell can this be allowed to go on !!!

    People need their FKKKKKing money $$$$$$ !!!!

    Get the damn Pentagon to take over MD shhhht site if that is what it takes

    200,000 people ahead of you , Don't fkking Cut it Bud !!!!!

  22. When's boss hogan going to come out and blame Trump for this too?

  23. I filed this morning. I put my email in and they sent me a notice when it was my turn. It wasn't that hard.

  24. Good wiff of what sociasm would mean for ALL OF US. Is it passing the smell test? Vote bernie 2020 ..cause bidens out..bernie lines will be for everthing and no TP unless you have a chit..

    So do your duty Hogan. Get us back to work!! your a RINO & part of the problem in MD. I made a mistake voting for your incompetence and not just on this! your a big diasapoinent. And its why i wont be wasting my republican vote in md nexy year....count on that

    1. I don't think he's reading this..could be wrong tho..

  25. His state is SHHHT !!! Lawyers need to start Sueing the Govt over
    Unemployment !!!

    People need their damn money !! NOW

  26. I could work but morons take pictures of me and post them. So my boss won’t let me. My family will not eat soon. Thanks to all morons that guaranteed income.

  27. hogan and all the democrats in the maryland assembly are getting paid.
    And they just ran through one hell of a tax increase on the average citizen. So what's the problem?

  28. If it’s as bad as they say why aren’t we seeing 10s of thousands of homeless deaths?

  29. Logged on and got a place in line a 11:13 a.m. waited all day and was alerted at 7:32 that it was my turn and I was being redirected to the beacon. After two attempts to be connected using the link I first got an error 404 message and then a message saying there was a problem connecting me and that I was unfortunately being placed back in line, there are now 223132 users ahead of me. Yep read that number again and this is after waiting since a little after 11 this morning when there were ONLY 156474 users ahead of me. And the best part is the email I received that explains that this is all the fault of the company that was commissioned to handle the beacon site and how unacceptable it is. The governor is unacceptable and I hope he is voted out when our election finally comes , I am so done

    1. Me too and no people to answer the phones. You have to send an email to beacon support

  30. Logged on and got a place in line a 11:13 a.m. waited all day and was alerted at 7:32 that it was my turn and I was being redirected to the beacon. After two attempts to be connected using the link I first got an error 404 message and then a message saying there was a problem connecting me and that I was unfortunately being placed back in line, there are now 223132 users ahead of me. Yep read that number again and this is after waiting since a little after 11 this morning when there were ONLY 156474 users ahead of me. And the best part is the email I received that explains that this is all the fault of the company that was commissioned to handle the beacon site and how unacceptable it is. The governor is unacceptable and I hope he is voted out when our election finally comes , I am so done

  31. YES Maryland's GREAT NEW Website !!! HELL on Earth !!! SHHHT !!!

    When will YOU ever get a damn check when 223,000 are ahead of you ???

    Maybe September ?? & Don't make ANY mistakes , that is WORSE !!!!

  32. Nothing about this makes sense. I was in line for over 4 and a half hours. It kept switching back between wait times less than an hour to over an hour.

    Why is this new system being launched in the middle of record unemployment claims being filed. It just doesn't make any sense.

    I can only imagine the frustration people feel as I too was very frustrated going through the process and actually succeeding.

    This is totally crazy as F**K!!

  33. So many people are in need of their money-they did not ask to be furloughed or layed off, they wanted to work, but Hogan, in all his infinite wisdom decided this was best. For whom is this best, certainly not the people who need and want to work. At least they would be getting paid unlike this crap system in place now. This is just not acceptable for anyone. Is the State going to take care of putting food on the table and paying the bills until their money comes thru? No, they are not. People are hungry and don't want to lose their vehicles or homes because of a crap system, so Hogan you need to put all these people back to work and quit playing games with their lives. Just my two cents worth.

  34. Wow - absolutely crazy. Is it true Federal and State workers are not working but being paid. I always said that Affirmative Action" would bite us in the ass. Lazy Government workers not qualified for the positions they are in and as a result - total incompetence.

  35. I heard that the old system was costing too much. This great NEW Beacon saves Maryland a LOT.

  36. This a historic first. What did you expect was going to happen? I mean when 3 people are on Netflix in the same house it lags. Yes its frustrating yes we are in need but come on.

    1. 10:30 BS. I live in MD work in DE. Took me about 2 hrs to get through to the site but once I did I had my first check in about 10 days. The federal portion 4 days later. By the second week the state and federal portion came in a lump sum. My wife on the other hand filed in MD. Took a week to get on. Took 4 weeks for first check and additional 3 weeks for the federal portion. MD sucks and so does Hogan. He only has time to bash Trump not worry about Marylanders unemployment.

  37. 10:30 pm. Making excuses. You are probably on a fixed income. If that stops and you can't get through the Government website for help I do believe your attitude would change. It is so typical - can anyone even figure out what we can do and what we cannot do. Every day it's something else. Democrats want power and they may not have caused this virus they are sure using it for their benefit. Hogan is a perfect example - buying from NK. That was a political ploy to make him a hero. Sick

  38. Better Get a NEW VENDOR who knows what the Hell they are doing !!!!

    Get the National Guard to Run the damn thing !!! U.S Military !!!!

    Try Oracle / Amazon / Microsoft whoever the Hell Knows !!!

    Maryland does Not care Obviously , they not paying us ANYTHING !!!!

    No way to communicate with the state is NOT ACCEPTABLE !!! Hell NO

  39. First, 3:51 needs to be bi**h-slapped.
    It's not "annoying" you total idiot. It's total incompetence that is effecting the credit standing of hundreds of thousands of people and rippling through the economy. A bit more than "annoying". Now, STFU.

    We're talking about a government deliberately screwing the people they are SUPPOSED to be serving.
    This program MUST have been the pipeline for a while (no one rolls out something like this in a week....) and they CHOOSE to roll it out in the most critical - the MOST critical- of times????
    Hogan is a goof. The people doing this need to be hung.
    They HAD to know it was NOT going to work, but it sure will save the State millions. Do you see now just how much they give a rat's ass about your welfare??
    When there is a shoot-out at Walmart over food (who will let their children be cold or hungry because they just don't have any money??) I hope a whole lot of citizens show up to take the correct side in the fight. THAT, my friends, is what they are MOST AFRAID OF.....
    Cheerleaders -- you are getting a fantastic illustration of how the government will manage your free medical care, your guaranteed income, and all the OTHER things they promise.
    Like I said, it's DELIBERATE.
    Stop your inane cheering.
    It ain't helping.

  40. DO AWAY with the WEBCERT Requirement during the Pandemic !!!

    You cannot get on the New website or Phone or E-mail as it is & you won't
    get on to file the damn WebCert either !!! The LINE is toooo Looong !!!

    This would cut down on this pain in the ass, extra time one has to try to
    get online or phone each week !!!! Taking that Many each week off the
    waiting List !!!!

  41. NO Unemployment $$ after waiting Month & 1/2 !!! Get me MY $$$$ !!!

    Those on PUA must be LAST in line to get ANY $$$$ !!!!!

  42. Look at FACEBOOK about Maryland Unemployment FIASCO !!!

  43. NO Excuses for Govt's in America being so incompetant & careless &
    No regard for OUR wellbeing !!!

    Feds better kick out a 1200.00 each month to all until Pandemic over !!
    Fed 600.00 & 1200.00 should be Tax free !!
    Unemployment should be Tax free !!
    Webcerts should Not be necessary every week !!!

    Many more phone lines necessary & web servers for Unemployment MD !

  44. Rumers on Facebook say You on PUA won't get ANY money until FRI 5 / 08


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