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Saturday, May 09, 2020


reck·on·ing (noun) - the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds.

When one writes a regular opinion column, one is often faced with multiple major stories in the news that deserve further analysis and context that inspire thought and even passion from one's readers. Today, those of us in this noble trade are faced with a serious quandary: Where to begin?

- Do we celebrate the partial justice delivered to American patriot Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the Justice Department properly withdrew criminal charges against him?

- Do we focus on the nefarious actions of the Comey FBI and Lynch Justice Department under Barack Obama that led to the vengeful vendetta against the general?

- Do we discuss the duplicity and corruption of the Mueller investigators in using the FBI's dirty work to threaten Flynn's family and basically coerce a false guilty plea from him?

- Do we pivot to the other major news item of the day and delve into the voluminous House Intel testimony that was finally released thanks to the herculean efforts of Acting ODNI Richard Grenell?

- Do we explain how Rep. Adam Schiff has been fully exposed as the lying, defamatory charlatan that he truly is as the testimony proves that he never saw the direct evidence proving Trump/Russia collusion as he has claimed for the past several years?

You see the challenge.

If one is to take the proverbial 35,000-foot view of all these stories and focuses one's eyes as if they are trying to discover the 3-D picture in one of those tacky 90s "magic eye" pictures, one image clearly appears.



  1. It's almost as if we need to appoint an independent DOJ to handle it all, one without Obama/Clinton believers.

  2. 5:34. Better do it quick. The next reckoning will be in November when Republicans lose the White House and the Senate.

    1. 620....in your Dream

    2. High Desert DawgMay 9, 2020 at 7:25 PM

      I'm with you, but we lost virginia, because of turnout, and we we're supposed to walk away with the Senate and house last year, and we barely pulled them off, so I wouldnt be too confident! I've voted Republican my whole life, yet never get reached out to from the RNC, yet the left is always reaching out. If the right doesent start learning how to connect to new, and younger, and minority voters, we may get our asses handed to us. The Dems go into the cities, but our team seems afraid to. If the inner cities, see that we cared enough to actually go there, we'd hit it outta the park, but our team REALLY needs to work on more than their "base" voters!

  3. 620 725 Russia Russia Russia. How is that working out now?

  4. 9:07 pm. 20% unemployment. How’s that working out for you?

    1. 11:11 Well there is a pandemic going on. What was Obama’s excuse?

  5. 11:11 It was at an all time low til the democrats started their BS and did just what they intended to do, make it look bad for Trump. Well, it hasn't made him look bad............everyone with half a brain can see right through their crooked attempts to destroy the best president this country has ever been blessed with. Trump will prevail in 2020!!!!!!!!


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