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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Scientific Research Finds That Closing Borders Is Most Effective Way Of Combatting COVID-19

Scientists in Brazil have found that the countries most affected by the coronavirus spread are the ones who continued to allow unrestricted travel across their borders, prompting further arguments that the most effective method of preventing the spread is tighter frontier controls.

The research, carried out by the Federal University of Bahia in Salvador, suggests that screening and quarantining those coming into countries from outside could have been “a cheap solution for humanity”.

The researchers based their analysis on records of 7,834 airports, using online flight databases documenting 67,600 transport routes in 65 countries.

The scientists factored in a number of forces, including climate, socioeconomic factors, as well economic and air transport, in an attempt to ascertain how the size of outbreaks was affected in 65 countries which had more than 100 cases.

The overwhelming factor was found to be air travel, leading to a conclusion that it is “the main explanation for the growth rate of COVID-19.”

The study notes that “The 2019 – 2020 world spread of COVID-19 highlights that improvements and testing of board control measures (i.e. screening associated with fast testing and quarantine of infected travellers) might be a cheap solution for humanity in comparison to health systems breakdowns and unprecedented global economic crises that the spread of infectious disease can cause.”

The data tallies with the fact that the US and the UK, which have the first and third highest air travel globally, have also suffered the most COVID-19 deaths with 74,600 and 30,615, respectively so far.

The US did not close its airports until late March, while Britain’s borders have remained completely open with little to no testing or quarantining of incoming travellers happening at all.




  2. This is a no brainer. Of course democrat voters wouldn't understand since their isn't one alive who can think for themselves. They are all brainwashed useless fools. A festering pus filled boil is more useful to society then any democrat voter is.
    So many of the countries viruses and diereses were imported here. This goes for animal diseases as well. Many of the tick diseases were imported from places like Viet Nam. Some countries have zero cases of rabies.
    So democrat voters when or if one of your loved ones dies from Covid dob't you dare get upset. don['t you dare. It's what you wished for when you vote democrat. A disease filled country

  3. WHAT???...Naw...Really? WOW......Whoda Thunk it!.........Duh

  4. Make Democrats PAY for the WALL !!!


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