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Saturday, May 09, 2020

San Antonio passes resolution declaring 'Chinese virus' hate speech

The term Chinese virus has been labelled hate speech by San Antonio's city council.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who put forward the now-passed resolution, blamed the use of the terms Chinese virus and Kung Fu virus for a rise in hate speech during the course of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Texas city will now ask its citizens to 'report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation', according to San Antonio's WOAI-TV.

US senator Ted Cruz blasted the decision as 'nuts'. He added that the council were acting like 'a lefty college faculty lounge'.

In a tweet on Thursday he wrote: 'This is NUTS. SA City Council behaving like a lefty college faculty lounge, triggered by Chick-fil-A & the words "Wuhan virus".



  1. Illegal as hell

  2. San Antonio can kiss my American ass!!!

    1. Now the Spanish will complain.

  3. China virus, China virus China virus China virus, chink virus, China virus, etc.........

  4. Anyone protecting and siding with anything chinese should be charged and found guilty of treason, penalty is death, a traitors death

    1. Easy pally...don't tread on my Chinese food!

      (Snicker snicker)

  5. Ditto 6:11 !! China too !!

  6. Wuhan, wuhan.wuhan china chinavirus chinavirus wuhan virus wuhan wuhan wuhan wuhan.....

  7. Going to call San Antonio Mayor office on Monday, ask about Chinese virus...

  8. Northwest Woodsman: My god, who. are they and where did they come from? Communism 101, right out of the Bolshevik handbook. Unbelievable. I make politically incorrect comments frequently and will continue to do so.

  9. So Kung-Flu is still in? Good.

  10. Oh, isnt that cute? All the lil wanna be "Dictators" in City council make a command decision. "Look at me mom, I'm domebody", Yeaa, next week they're talking about injecting GPS chips in residents necks....yippee!

  11. Wasn't San Antonio the same place in TX that tried to ban Chic Filet due to the owner's religious views? What's wrong with those intolerant people in that part of TX? They are as communist and rights trampling as the Chinese.

  12. If I order take out from a Chinese restaurant I guess that makes me a racist person...


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