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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Virginia Health Commissioner Says Schools Could Remain Closed For Two Years

Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s office said Friday that Phase One of reopening the state under federal guidelines could last as long as two years as the state battles the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

“I personally think Phase One will be a two year affair,” said State Health Commissioner Norman Oliver, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “There are a lot of people working on this, and I hope they prove me wrong, but I don’t see it happening in less than two years.”

Phase One under federal recommendations feature a limited reopening of some businesses with strict safety restrictions, social distancing requirements remaining in place, continued teleworking encouraged and face masks suggested in public. Nowhere do the guidelines mention reopening schools that will already remain closed for the rest of the academic year.

The Virginia health department tried to clarify Oliver’s comments on Saturday, saying the health commissioner misspoke when speculating that Phase One of recovery would last 24 months.

“Dr. Oliver intended to say that the Commonwealth will likely be dealing with COVID-19 in some form until a vaccine is produced, not that Phase One itself would take two years,” a department spokesperson toldNewsradio WRVA.



  1. The governor is a maniacal freak. Remember he is for killing infants after they are born.

  2. This is quite a power grab. We've never had this happen in this oountry before.

    1. Sure you have, it was called the war on drugs. Welcome to the younger generations life.

  3. Official response back on this statement. Yes, that is fine, you will receive no salary or benefits, for the two years. And that applies to the teachers also.

    All of these people making these decisions, have no skin in the game. Live smart with the Covid, or die from depression hunger.

  4. The federal guidelines say schools can be reopened after 4 weeks of consecutive decreases in infection rates.

    Each phase is only two weeks not two two years.

  5. Time for a Democrat CIVIL WAR.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  6. Not the Governor.
    Now they have the Health. Commissioner reading it.

    It is from Top Down, and I refer to the Top of the Deep State. Deep State runs the government, POTUS reads the script he is given. Mr Trump’s character may be comedic relief, because they are licking us down big time. Now they are unveiling secret technologies to track us and “cross reference “ us, meaning next to whom was my IPhone? Contact those near whom I was located (and do what)?

    1. All coming from Langley right??

  7. Read trumps federal plan..the gov is simply following that..

  8. What do you expect from a man wearing a hood? How in the world is he still in office. He is the poster child of bad guy. Yet the liberals now love him and conservatives demanding he steps down.

  9. Homeschooling Now will be the Norm !!! All expenses on YOU while Govt
    Saves alot of $$$$ & can close schools !!!!


  10. Adolf Northam has lost his mind .

  11. Joe the numbers we are getting in wicomico are incorrect. As are the numbers from surrounding counties. When someone test positive say in Sussex county they are counted in that county then they are moved to PRMC ane they are also counted. The numbers that have been advertised daily do not deduct recovered patients.

  12. We need a civil war once and for All.

  13. Waiting foe a vaccine may be a very be a long time, if ever. Their has yet to be a vaccine made for any Novel Coronovirus virus as far back as you want to look.
    Scientist still don't know if antibodies you develop will keep you protected once you get well.
    This is here to stay for a long time.
    And reopening things will just start the spread again, it will show in a few weeks.
    Maryland, we just keep getting worse.

  14. I as a Grandparent think this is very funny. The parents are going to have to actually raise there own kids! Can't dump them off on us old folks to educate and raise them.

    1. Exactly 10:50am. And no more free day care for children via the public school systems..

    2. Sounds like as a grandparent you should have raised your children better.

  15. Demand all government workers pay be cut or stopped.

    1. Not gonna happen. ..that would create mass suicides because people born with silver and gold spoons in their mouths do not know how to function like "regular" wage or salaries under $75,000

  16. Everyone stop paying taxes.

    1. That would be great but I seriously doubt it will happen.

  17. "Everyone stop paying taxes."

    That's not so far-fetched. If this keeps up most regular people will not have any money to pay for anything, much less taxes.

  18. TEACHERS Union is loving this No interaction with kids but still getting $$$$$$$$$$

  19. We need to take back America ... I'm sorry elderly people are dying with the virus BUT the rest of us NEED TO LIVE time to STAND UP PEOPLE or you can welcome COMMIE SOCIALISM exactly what DEMS WANT ??????????!!

  20. 11:24 AM - Not all. Some are working the same or more than before the virus arrived. You are a a$$hat!

  21. 11:06 YES this was why Young 5's was started, a federal babysitting service paid for by the taxpayers!
    Also the parents food stamps should be reduced when their kids are getting free breakfast and lunches but nope, this gives them extra's to sell for beer and cigarettes'.

  22. As a teacher, I am so happy that parents have to see how hard of a job we have teaching and controlling their little bastards. Maybe now when a millage comes up for a vote to increase our pay, parents will remember how hard it is to be a babysitter and teacher.

  23. He makes less sense than Hogan or Jake what's his IQ? This man needs to be replaced and fast he must have more than Corona he must be even the dumbest Democrat ever and that's all saying a mouthful.

  24. Maryland's Too !!! Weather Govt likes it or Not !!! Delaware Too !!!

  25. 1124 your constant distastefulness towards civil servants lead me to believe you tried, yet failed and now are miserable being left out.

    Sorry, the world needs ditch diggers and burger flippers too.

    1. Sounds like your a gov employee thats worried about losing there free paycheck and all those nice perks, like not actually working. About as hard at work as those mva employees.

    2. Fed employee, still work 10-12 ur days so u can continue to enjoy the freedom here in the USA. Very happy for my federal service and choice I made. Yet sorry most don't understand or care to want to understand and just bash the feds. We are NOT political appointees yet must work for those who mostly have no clue and stay 3-5 years to pad their resumes. That's who should be bashed and who can make that change?

      CONgress. Good luck telling them that without term limits.

      But of course you already know that of course.

  26. If there was ever a time to "throw the bums out" it is now more than ever. All politicians should be voted out, except you-know-who. Schools and colleges should be forced to close for lack of children sent in for indoctrination. All businesses supporting CNN, MSLSD, Comcast, et al should be boycotted until the cows come home, and the tariffs on chinese imports should be as high as the national debt. Oh, and all debt to china should be in permanent default. That's right, small c. No capitalismization.

  27. Let's be real. Big Government hasn't demonstrated that it can successfully manage a lot of things that include education. Put out solicitations to provide service that the Gov provides using taxpayer funds. I suspect many will then consider why they have continued to insist that only Government can manage citizen services

  28. Finally someone with sense.

  29. Kids need to be around other kids.Online classes are actually better(in my opinion)for college classes than for grade and high school.Technology has left these idiots with too many options.


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