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Friday, May 29, 2020

Thank God It's Friday 5-29-20

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Just trying to survive..

  2. Apparently very little, again.

  3. NOT going to OC!

  4. Sitting the bourbon down (although now most would disagree), smell the roses a bit and hope moving forward things become a bit more clear.

    Hope also the hatred goes away.

    Safe TGIF folks - it is an entirely different world out there.

  5. Eating IN again.

  6. If the rain holds off, I'll be cutting the grass, picking up sticks and cleaning. Blah blah same ole routine.

  7. I asked Jake to ride bikes with me on Waverly Drive, but he said he can't because he has to meet with his divorce lawyer. What a shame that beautiful bicycle lane will be unused again.

  8. Looking up addresses

  9. I will be watching the MSM feed the blacks more BS and promoting the violence and burning down businesses , looting and doing what they do best "robbing".
    A man was killed by a police officer(maybe) , he will have his day in court.
    End of discussion .

    1. 9:58. Exactly the black community needs to wake up that they are being used by the MSM and dems for votes.

    2. They continue to exhibit the kind of behavior that makes the police hate them so much. Not an excuse for murder though. That was wrong. He got caught and will be in PC for his entire sentence.

  10. Counting the days

  11. Sitting on the deck with ice cold beer......now deciding on steamed crabs or shrimp.....no waiting in line, no pushing and no fuss....I’m enjoying the shut down!!! Sometimes the wife is my waitress and sometimes I’m the waiter!! Yeah I know it’s early for a beer but I have 3 days to get over it and besides that the sun peaks in and out!!!

  12. I think I'll paint something. Anything.

  13. I!ll be just sitting on rt 50 and watching all the stupid idiots ride by going down da ocean dear all for nothing.


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