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Sunday, May 03, 2020

National Guard protecting tests from federal government in Maryland

Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan revealed Thursday that the state's National Guard is protecting 500,000 coronavirus tests flown in from South Korea at a secret location over concerns that the federal government will interfere and confiscate them.

Hogan and his Korean-born wife Yumi worked with South Korean authorities over 22 days to secure half a million tests for his state after conflict between governors and the Trump administration about the level of testing being made available.

The tests landed at Baltimore-Washington International Airport on April 18 where Hogan revealed the National Guard and state police had established a 'Fort Knox' like protection over them.

This was the first Korean Air plane to ever land in the airport as the governor said he wanted to avoid the tests having to cross over state lines because of previous reports of the federal government interjecting to confiscate equipment.



  1. Not trusting the Federal Government....
    I don't either....

  2. Trump send in the military and TAKE THEM as there where obtained ILLEGALLY by Gov Hogan's Asian Wife.

  3. Hogan has terminal case of TDS.

  4. What? Are they tests that all test positive so Fat Larry can keep us in jail all summer?

    Something smells hear - other then Larry's ass.

  5. So dramatic. If truth be told these south korean tests need to be taken to the dump. Their accuracy is questionable.

  6. Why are they not being used to test people???

  7. Can anyone say conspiracy theorist?

  8. Hogan the Horrible is trying to distract from his incompetence.

  9. Mass. did something similar. They purchased millions of masks and snuck them into the state via the New England Patriots private jet. They then had an armada of cop cars escort the supplies to various hospitals.

    Apparently FEMA has threatened to seize supplies to ensure Federal stock piles don't run out. Good job for Hogan protecting our tax payer investment, and making sure Marylanders get helped first.

    1. Do you really think for one moment that Hogan cares about your health - it is all political - you are a Pollick. Look it up. 😂😂

    2. No need to bash Poles

  10. Hmmm, don't like it when the government takes your stuff huh? How do you think citizens feel?

  11. Something still stinks about these tests! How do we know they are accurate, safe, etc to our standards? National Guard going to protect for their boss the Commander in Chief LMAO dumbest thing I have heard so far

    1. I suggest that you sue. Or get a restraining order. Obviously this person is mentally off balance.

  12. Ummm...he is an idiot(Boss Hogg)! I have no other words. If they want, they will come and take them...even with your so called guards....smh

  13. This guys a jack ass. Really hogan!!

  14. Hogan is a joke. Spent millions of tax payers dollars for nothing. He should have waited for federal help. I wonder how accurate these tests are coming from another country and how long it takes for tests to come back. New tests can get results in 5 minutes.

  15. I was cleaning my yard and a neighbor took a picture of me not wearing a mask posted it on Facebook. 3 acres and know one around me. Also posted a picture of my Delaware registered vehicle in my driveway. Vehicle belongs to my wife who has resident in Delaware. My boss called asking questions about it.

    1. Give her THIS 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  16. 9 million on faulty test kits!! I wouldn't want that fraud exposed either

  17. Hogan, if your plan to buy 500,000 tests was so necessary and genius...why didn't all the other 49 states do the same?

  18. What's hilarious is the governor doesn't seem to realize Trump could just federalize the MD NG and force them to say where the tests are and to move them to a federal location. If they didn't then they could be federally arrested and prosecuted under UCMJ for disobeying a lawful order.

    He should have just had the State Police guard them.

    1. Are you an actual Nazi?
      What is wrong with you?

      The Governor is trying to protect us from the US Government, which corrupt and evil. It released a bioweapon on us!

    2. Damn, you're the crazy one 7:01

  19. Hogan is ruling MD as a Dictator like Hitler. Hogan is being led by the Democrats and doing these things to bring MD citizens under his control. SOCIALISM is not a Republican thing just PELOSI and the Democrats.

  20. Wonder how much his wife got in kickbacks??

  21. funny the double standard we suppose to trust the governor but he doesnt trust his own government

  22. Is the Guard armed? Had Hogan given them orders to shoot if the Fed’s attempt to interfere and confiscate the tests?


  23. Sounds like he was complicit in smuggling, and has confessed to his leader role. If the Korean Air plane touched down in the USA before BWI I think they would have needed to clear Customs there before continuing to BWI.

    S. Korea has good technology skills so tests are probably ok functionally.

    But where did he get the funds to unilaterally spend this money?

    He's made some good calls during the emergency; this scenario wasn't one of them. Lawless leaders rapidly lose their moral authority.


  24. Mr. Albero-- I previously excoriated you (ever-so-mildly) about calling the Governor an 'idiot' on your blog.

    I hereby rescind and revoke what I said.

    He is, indeed, a certified idiot.

    Your friend,

  25. Very Large ego trip

  26. Turn MD Unemployment over to the National Guard !!!!

  27. Notice - to every red-blooded American- here on the eastern shore we are currently living behind 'enemy lines'. The Maryland legislature threw the last Presidential election. The entire State of MD was red with the exception of Prince Georges, Baltimore, and Mongomery counties. The MD legislature flat out cheated in our election as they awarded all 10 electoral delegates
    to Hillary when Trump should have been awarded at least 7 of the 10. Wake-up folks - we need to take our State back.


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