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Sunday, May 03, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Plan to Open Business on the Eastern Shore of Maryland


As many of us living here on Delmarva know, the Governor Hogan approach of dealing with COVID-19 lately has been questionable to say at least. His One Shoe Fits All approach is hurting working men and women of Eastern Shore in a big way. Same could be said about business, big and small, everywhere. Besides Hogan has been bashing President Trump so much lately on every issue, would make you believe he is a Democrat from Annapolis, and he probably is.
With Farming Season and future Summer season coming soon, we need to stand up and adopt an example set by the Patriots in Gaston County, North Carolina - County Commissioner there opened their businesses , despite the orders of the Democrat Governor.
So, with that in mind, if Hogan wants to keep everything in shutdown mode, he can, but on The Other Side of the Chesapeake Bay and not here. Our COVID-19 numbers Do Not Justify the Shutdown in comparison with counties around Baltimore and Washington, D.C. It doesn't matter how much "they' try to inflate their numbers, Larry, Keep Your Shutdown on the other side of the Bay Bridge! We on Delmarva Are Open For Business. Let's open Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester and keep going. Will the True Leaders Stand Up or will they wait in the shadows for orders from their puppet-masters Nancy P. & Chucky S.?!

Anointed One


  1. You can open up. But we won't be there to buy anything. The numbers in this area are way to high.
    We go out for groceries, fuel, bank. That's it.
    And it will stay that way for some time.
    Hogan is doing the right thing for the state considering what he was sent from the president to deal with.
    Trump has gotten us into this mess.

    1. I call B.S. on this.
      One of my 2 jobs is at an auto parts store. We have sold more carwash, tire shine, airfreshners and fuzzy steering wheel covers.
      Have you seen the amount of traffic that is on the roads ?
      I don't think that most people are staying at home or going to the 3 places you mentions.

  2. You just make too much sense M.V. thus it's not gonna happen.

  3. You are not paying attention to what is going on around you. The poultry plants have made this area a hotspot. Until that is under control we are NOT safe. I don't pretend to have the answer, but pretending nothing is going on is foolish wherever this virus came from.

  4. Holy crazy Batman!

  5. I really do not understand the logic here. You want to open worcester, somerset and dorchester!!! Don't you realize that Wicomico is right next door to all of those counties, and they are in the middle of a huge outbreak. The number of cases in wicomico is so bad they are sending people to SU Dorms. Cases have increased there by 150% in the last week.

    As soon as worcester opens, everyone from wicomico county is going to come to ocean city and within three days worcester will have 1,000 cases. This is madness. Just be patient. Hogan said yesterday we should be in phase one by the end of may.

  6. Yes, yes, and yes.

  7. The county that you talk about in North Caronlia tried to open, but gave up yesterday. So many people complained that it was wrong to open up, and even most businesses refused to open. They were scared people from other counties would come. Their whole plan backfired.

  8. Uh - no.

    Need to people on the other side of the bridge so business can flourish. Joe added an article today talking about workers asking their bosses to lay them off since the gov't is paying $600 per week - plus state unemployment. Who wouldn't so opening won't help with that nor bringing people from the other side of the bridge either.

    LA Cali opened their beaches - then closed them because they were packed. Big difference than here on the shore since LA has millions whereas the 10 miles of OC can hold 200-300K a weekend. And those 200-300K come from the other side of the bridge.

    Careful for what you wish during this time. The reward may not be worth the risk. Plus we ALL will be paying for all of this sooner rather than later.

  9. What do you not understand about Salisbury metro area being a hot spot??? Some of us care about our family members - of all ages - and want to let things get better before people start mingling again! Don't be a spreader!

    1. WTF don't you understand, salisbury is not a metro/capital of the area. Stop listening to the idiot Day he's going to get alot of people killed. He's no leader or someone that should be entrusted to help others. Look at his family fiasco does that scream leader??

  10. I saw Leighton had the palm trees being set up at Seacrets yesterday.

    HAHA, it aint opening anytime soon and when it does...HAHAHAHA

    So funny the hope thats out there. The season is done and money lost can never ever be replaced. No matter how much you try or gauge the public.

  11. Annointed one, numbers are growing here thanks to people like you not taking things seriously. Step down from your sense of entitlement. And learn how to be calm and relax instead of needing constant instant gratification. And I would also expect that when you or someone you care about becomes ill from covid that you deny treatment.

    1. You are a voice of reason on here.

  12. Cannot agree more with your article and comments. In fact, I have written our State Senator with the same concerns. There is no doubt that if more citizens contact their legislators supporting the opening of the Eastern Shore, it would surely have an impact. In the interim, we should take the bull by the horns and start reclaiming our livelihoods, regardless whether Ground Hog(an) wants to remain in his hole.

  13. Please please please OPEN UP. "Give me Liberty or give me Death" America First.
    Thank you

  14. How about you learn how to spell and write a complete and coherent sentence. Then perhaps people might listen to you.

    1. From commentors on here? That is asking a lot.

  15. There is an average of less than 1000 new cases a day in Maryland. There are over 6 million people in Maryland. At this rate it will take over 8 years for 50% of the population to be exposed to the virus. Are we going to social distance and not produce any food or essentials for that entire time, hoping there's a vaccine, or it just goes away? What if it mutates, and now the "maybe" vaccine doesn't eork. Let's shut down for another 10 years. There may never be a normal. Hospitals may be overrun, but we have to open up, let the virus take its course, and start producing.

  16. Dear Anointed One

    You have no clue what our numbers are because no one is telling the truth as to what our numbers are.

    Whatever number they are giving you multiply it by 10 and those are our REAL numbers.

  17. Yes 10:46, multiply by 10 the amount of the population that will not be adversely effected by this virus but will be CRUSHED by this shut down!

    Your BS works both ways.

  18. From the comments here it is truly sad how many people have bought into the fear that our government and mom have instilled upon us. Open it up

  19. April 30, 2020 at 11:07 AM

    Well then, I guess if you open up and get sick you will have neither, a job, a business or a life. If that suits you be my guest, oh selfish one, as your wife, children, parent, siblings, and friends all catch it from you.

    Its true that you cant fix stupid here in the garbage can of a city on the eastern shore.

  20. Northwest Woodsman: Time to break out the Gadsden flags and defy the SOBs that want to destroy us both as individuals and as a country. A significant portion of the problems we are having result from the dilution of our founding culture by third world immigrants, both legal and illegal. They are here primarily for economic benefit and have no real love for the country. Actually, a significant number of them fly the flags of their country of origin and have no intention of assimilating. We made a huge mistake by allowing politicians to change immigration law in 1965, and we are experiencing the disastrous results today.

  21. 10:35 and 10:45 yes, I don't know the exact numbers, nobody does. What I do know "their" numbers are inflated. I also know hospitals get Extra Money for labeling a patient COVID-19, just because that patient "might" have symptoms or just plain cough, without even completing the test. There are many doctors and microbiologists speaking about it, but you will not find it on MSM. I understand not everyone would agree with me on this and I don't expect that. Just know this, you have a God given right to be free. It is by your choice if you are willing to take a risk to go to work, to drive a car, to leave your house. Your choice, not the Government or Governor's Shutdown.

  22. 9:21

    Trump has gotten us into this mess?

    Only the most partisan head up the ass libtard would blame Trump for a world wide pandemic that came from China.

    1. You do know Republican or Democrat that they are all in thos together? It's all about the money. The rich got paid, now the peons are sent back to work. We follow along obediently.

  23. April 30, 2020 at 12:07 PM - LOL you KNOW their numbers are inflated how? You said you dont know the numbers but you know for a fact they are inflated. LOL. You just cant make this stuff up

    I have co-workers and friends who have been sick, not tested and diagnosed over the phone - so they are not counted. BUT YOU KNOW the numbers are inflated.

    It is just the opposite - a majority of the cases ARE NOT counted, because they are not hospitalized nor tested.

    There are hundreds more sick that you are not being told about. And now that they are importing a bunch of illegals to be housed at SU and who will NOT stay quarantined, you are going to see a spike in cases, a lot of them again not counted because they are being diagnosed over the phone and never seen or tested.

    Money grubbing SU and your idiot Mayor just screwed this community up the proverbial keister over a few $$.

    1. I wish this blogspot had more rational thinkers like you on here!

    2. Maybe someone can answer this? Why don’t the Delaware cases get housed at a college in Delaware?

  24. you all think if you get the virus you are going to die.... lol if the real numbers would get out you would find probably most of you already had it and dont realize it

    1. As I don't find the situation funny, I do believe I've had it. Bit, would I want my elderly family to get this? Absolutely now.

  25. April 30, 2020 at 4:18 PM LOL? Bet the families of the healthy young people who died from this aren't laughing. There are all sorts of people dying from this. Young, middle aged, old, healthy, athletes ... whats your point?


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