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Sunday, May 03, 2020

BS, Show Us More Then One Broken Tent & Maybe We'll Believe You


  1. Boo Hoo, Jake the Snake.

  2. The homeless should be taken off the streets and put in care institutions most have drug or mental illness and should be treated not left on the street like a stray

  3. I think that a couple of US Army "GP Small's" would do the trick. They worked for us in the desert, holding up in sandstorms.

  4. Latest MD numbers are out and one change from yesterday in WocCo is that one of the 2 deaths has been moved to "presumed."

  5. Well tents don't hold up well with metal folding furniture in them. They are designed for air mattress and sleeping bags. Soft things like this Mayor's brain.

  6. Homeless like being HOMELESS they are mentally Ill.

    1. With comments like that, those around you must have little confidence in your ability to survive without supervision. Homeless LIKE being homeless? The poor like being poor, the sick like being sick, the bullied like being bullied and so on. People of your ilk...

  7. This tent city is the gateway to giving these people free housing. Think about it. Why did they build this in springtime just after harsh winter temperatures? What will become of the tent city when temperatures plummet? Does providing these people with housing obligate the government to continue to provide housing when tents are no longer weather appropriate?

  8. Why would they be lying about this? Trying to scam some free tents? For who?

  9. 10:03

    You first, take a few home with you.

    They are on the streets because they want to be there.

    1. @ 11:02 Why would I want homeless living in my home ? They need treatment not to be living unhealthy on the street . Don’t you think they should be under a doctors supervision trying to become productive members of society instead of being left in the gutter ???

  10. The Homeless should be taken off the street and bussed to the city of Baltimore!

  11. It was a stupid idea anyway.

  12. First two sentences explain the left completely. Tell me a man didn’t write this?

  13. With winds gusting at 40-50 mph the last few days, this isn't unexpected. Any featherweight tent might go the same. I'm surprised that there aren't a couple or more of military circus tents with no sides that could each accommodate a dozen tents like this and offer better protection from the elements.

  14. prove that they are needed. otherwise, put them up in snowflakes homes.

  15. It is so odd to me that the City wouldn't leverage the resources of HALO and the Christian Shelter that has MORE space that can handle the population. Instead of the City trying to champion there own derelict attempt of housing the homeless in this debacle of a tent city, use the resources that are already there. This is such a demoralizing way to try to "help" these folks. Halo and the Christian Shelter have it figured out....

  16. These tents are only a slight step up from a cardboard box. I know they mean well, but their solution was not well thought out. Typical for Salisbury 'leaders'.

  17. You got these people in fking tents? And then begging for more? Get these people in a good shelter. Geez your a dumbass.

  18. They should had put a couple of National Guard headquarters tents in the fenced in motor poole at the Army in Salisbury. Another Jake Day fail.

  19. Hmm, maybe if he hadn't spent the hotel room budget on TENTS, he could have put the homeless in a more secure location... like maybe HOTEL ROOMS?

  20. I wonder what happens to metal tent poles in a lightening strike?

  21. Just one more things to the long list of things that was not thought through. They should build small sheds instead of wasting money on tents. Maybe Gillis will donate the lumber and labor. They still would only last a few years.

  22. How about some free bikes to ride around town and panhandle

    1. High Desert DawgMay 1, 2020 at 9:36 PM

      Yeah, and balloons, and ice cream! Why is it ONLY the responsible, contributing citezens the ONLY ones ever held ACCOUNTABLE? Hmmmmm...

  23. These are backpacking tents. They made to be light to carry, they are not made to be a permanent home. Why doesn't Jake take them in. They can swap pills with Liz.

  24. I think Salisbury should move the homeless into the public schools and take some of the school buses to Baltimore to bring back some more derelicts. Hogan will keep Maryland in lockdown until after the election so why not make use of all that Salisbury has to offer.


  25. There's plenty of empty dorm rooms at su. They're using them for covid recovery, why not house the homeless too.

    1. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 3:16 good answer. If the students are allowed to come back in the fall the normal shelters in this area should be open..


  26. With Thursday's winds hard to believe the tents at Jakeville stayed in place.

    Intact or blown out to sea it's still a knucklehead idea.

  27. Take them to the Civic Center. The place is taking tax money to run with no one there.

  28. The city of Salisbury and Wicomico County are not prepared for what is going to happen when families are evicted after the executive order is lifted. It will not be addicts and mental ill homeless it will families. Show some compassion.

  29. What is YOUR humane and Christian solution .
    At least he's trying


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