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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Joe Biden discovers due process — does it apply to everyone?

Sorry, #MeToo: the liberal media had its first major test in the “believe all women” era and, of course, it has failed spectacularly.

Vice President Joe Biden, currently on track to be the Democratic nominee for president, has been accused of sexual assault by former staffer Tara Reade. Reade has some corroboration, including audio of her mother calling into the “Larry King Live” show in 1993 and inquiring what a staffer “for a prominent senator” in Washington could do if she had run into “problems.” But the liberal media just gosh darn aren’t sure she’s credible.

It’s hard not to notice that they didn’t have any such qualms about running with the accusations made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

The main difference, of course, between the accusations of Brett Kavanaugh and Joe Biden is there is evidence Biden’s accuser knew him while no such evidence existed that Kavanaugh had ever met accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

There also don’t exist dozens of pictures of women standing by awkwardly as Brett Kavanaugh sniffed their hair or rubbed their shoulders.



  1. It's off topic but I miss the morning memes political and the funny ones... What happened to them Joe... Bring them back please. They were the highlight of my morning.

  2. Funny how all the photos and videos of Brett Kavanaugh groping female and sniffing their hair have been wiped from the internet, but there's still enough of Joe Biden doing it to make video montages out of them!

    Weird, huh?


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