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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Ilhan Omar pulled off 'worst string of felonies committed by a congressperson in US history'

The media has buried some big stories, but nothing compares to what they're doing with Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). But one reporter has never stopped looking into what no one else seems to want to touch: the facts.

PJ Media journalist David Steinberg is writing a series of exclusive stories for TheBlaze.com called "The Case Against Ilhan Omar." He joined Glenn Beck on the radio program to talk about part one of his series, which he said provides verifiable evidence that Omar committed multiple felonies. Not only did she commit marriage fraud by marrying her brother, but within that relationship she also committed immigration fraud, student loan fraud, and tax fraud.

In this clip, Steinberg lays out the case and the evidence that makes it pretty hard for the Minnesota congresswoman to deny committing what he called "the worst string of felonies committed by a congressperson in U.S. history."

Watch the video below for more details:



  1. YET, All covered up as Always for Democrats !!!!

  2. She also married a white guy.

  3. So why is she not brought up on charges? Feckless GOP?

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Only 3 ✔️✔️✔️ This must not be a topic you care about. Have some ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    3. Does a CHECKMARK mean one agrees with the comment?

  4. With the commie FBI, it does not matter what crimes the Democrats commit.

  5. WHY hasn't Bill Barr had her ARRESTED ?

    1. Because both political parties are controlled by the richest people in the world.

  6. That's the Democrat way. Start looking at Obama. Obama committed Student loan fraud by filing and getting foreign student loan money.


  7. Deport back to Somalia. After she finishes her prison terms.

  8. And once again they will have all kinds of proof of lawbreaking but nothing will be done. It hurts me that there is such a double standard in our judicial system. I thought we were better than this. Guess not.

  9. Nothing will happen because that D after her name means dismissed!

  10. If you ever want to be immune from prosecution for crimes committed, become a congressperson. You have to think long and hard to remember any that ever suffered a larger penalty than resigning from their position. Congress is loathe to investigate or prosecute one of their own. The are the consummate "elites" of our society.

  11. Checkmarks mean you're to lazy or stupid to post words.


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