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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Biden doesn’t want Senate records opened due to ‘speeches I’ve made’

Joe Biden’s comment that he doesn’t want to open up his Senate records, in part, because of “speeches I’ve made” has attracted the attention of Republicans and President Trump’s re-election campaign.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s statement came on MSNBC Friday morning as he denied a sexual assault allegation from a former Senate aide, Tara Reade.

The specific quote was highlighted on Twitter by Andrew Clark, the rapid response director of Trump’s re-election campaign.

“What’s Biden hidin’?” wrote former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a Trump campaign adviser and girlfriend of the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., also noted her concern.



  1. I bet their are two Supreme Court justices laughing at him.

  2. In his early days he used the "N" word constantly to push his segregation agenda and bussing. Now he is trying to get the Black vote he can't let them see the real Racist he is.

  3. He is hiding all of the evidence of the assault on Ms. Reade, the corruption he perpetuated against Ukraine, conversations with Putin, and the 1.5 billion that Chinese gave to Hunter to set up "investment firm."

  4. If Trump is smart he won't even pursue this until after the convention.

  5. A man who has spent his entire adult life in politics and political office absolutely does not want their political record used against them. Needless to say, all congressmen are corrupt after their first term in office.

    1. 10:20....Gotta gotta ya a BAM on that one! You nailed it!


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