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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Left-Wing Group Using Taxpayer Funded Software To Take Down Trump

A new left-wing political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is reportedly planning to use software that was developed to be used against Islamic terrorists, and was developed using taxpayer money, to combat positive messaging about President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic in an apparent attempt to upend Trump’s chances at winning re-election.

“The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media,” The Washington Post reported. “It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.”

However, a review of Defeat Disinfo’s website shows that it promotes blatant disinformation against the president, like claiming that Trump “told us to inject disinfectants into our bodies,” a claim that has been debunked.

More here


  1. There has to be a limit to this foolishness.

  2. TO combat the Chinese and Russian influence


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