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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Democrats Are Reaping The ‘Whirlwind’ Kavanaugh Warned About

The media and Democrats were enraged when Brett Kavanaugh warned that their unethical behavior against him might have consequences. They should have listened.

Brett Kavanaugh was a very difficult Supreme Court nominee for liberals to oppose. He had a stellar reputation, an impeccable record, and a genial disposition. While members of the Resistance held a protest on the steps of the Supreme Court minutes after President Trump announced him as the pick to replace retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, their early efforts to keep him off the bench showed little promise.

All that changed in mid-September 2018, when the Washington Post carefully packaged and presented Christine Blasey Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh had tried to rape her when she was in high school. The media and Democrats immediately latched onto the accusation in a desperate attempt to keep Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

It wasn’t the quality of the allegation that led to this reaction. Blasey Ford had no evidence she had ever met Kavanaugh, much less that he had tried to rape her. She wasn’t sure about any detail related to the event other than that she had precisely one beer and that Kavanaugh had tried to rape her.

She didn’t know how she got to the alleged event, where it was, how she got home, or whose house it was. None of the four witnesses she identified to reporters as having been at the event in question supported her claim. That included her close friend Leland Keyser, who was pressured by mutual acquaintances to change her testimony that she had no recollection of the event in question. Kavanaugh had an army of close friends and supporters who testified to his character throughout his adolescence and adulthood.

Nevertheless, over the next ten days, thousands of articles were published in newspapers and online while broadcast and cable news outlets devoted their entire schedule to covering the accusation. All hands were on deck to legitimize the allegation, paint the accuser in the most sympathetic light possible, downplay the many problems with her story, and ignore exonerating information. Anybody who supported Kavanaugh, from high school friends to sitting U.S. senators, was subjected to hostile media treatment and accusations of being a rape apologist.



  1. There is only one word that comes to mind...hypocrisy

  2. The Kavanaugh confirmation was more an inquisition. The Democratic Senators on the confirmation panel demanded, after hours of grilling questions and attempting to debase him, at least an FBI investigation. The Democrats looked ridiculous in their attempt and showed America the depths of their Trump derangement syndrome and just how far they would go to denigrate the character of of an esteemed individual. And now, they are comfortable just taking Biden's word for it.

  3. Wait till you see what the Democracks come up with when President DJT appoints the replacement for RBG in 2022.

  4. Let's hope this carries through to the ballot box in November and President Trump is re-elected in a landslide - Peloser and Chucky become unemployed... and go to AOC's bar to drown their sorrows!

  5. Concerned RetireeMay 3, 2020 at 11:41 AM

    Always told growing up to watch what you do be cause it will haunt you if it is not honest.

    What Goes Around Comes Around when it is dishonest

    Known as KARMA


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