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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Another bombshell about Flynn — and it may reach up to Obama and Biden

"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." —Lavrentiy Beria (head of Stalin's secret police)

Under America's criminal law system, an investigation cannot begin unless there's a crime. After that, one seeks the probable criminals. These alleged criminals, in turn, are given myriad due process protections so the government, which is judge, jury, and executioner, does not violate their inherent civil rights. Under Stalin's totalitarian system, the state targeted people for destruction, invented crimes against them, and then led them through a sham investigative and prosecutorial process that led to an inevitable conviction.

Newly released documents establish that beginning in the waning days of Obama's presidency, high-level FBI officials inflicted Soviet-style "justice" on General Mike Flynn. It's also possible that both Obama and Biden were part of this plot.

The newest batch of documents reveals that, by January 4, 2017, the FBI had ruled Mike Flynn out as a possible suspect in its investigation into whether Trump or his associates had colluded with the Russians. The agent reviewing the evidence against Mike Flynn wrote a memorandum explaining that there was no "derogatory" evidence against Flynn either in house or through an outside agency.

The investigating team concluded, therefore, that Flynn was no longer a viable candidate as part of the larger [Russia investigation] umbrella case. A review of logical [redacted] databases did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.



  1. Sounds like Phill Wright in zoning

  2. Beria = Comey !!!! Secret police of Deeeep State Democrats !!!!


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