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Saturday, May 02, 2020

America will battle coronavirus for two years and could face an even bigger peak this fall, pandemic experts warn

America's coronavirus crisis will take up to two years to extinguish, according to top pandemic experts bracing the country to hunker down for the long-haul.

Their report paints a bleak picture for the near future, with people continuing to die in all possible outcomes mapped out by the scientists.

Health bosses will be particularly alarmed at the worst-case scenario which forecasts a second larger spike as early as this fall.

It would eclipse even the United States' current outbreak, which has infected over a million and killed 63,836.

This modelling echoes the latest projections of White House infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, who said another wave of the virus is 'inevitable'.

Two of the three scenarios also dash hopes of a permanent end to lockdown, with the authors predicting social distancing measures will need to be reimposed to wrestle down future waves.



  1. So they are telling us in advance it will be released again? Wow

    That is bold.

    At some point an armed citizenry will retaliate for bioweapon attacks. Even against the world’s largest, most technically advanced military.

    1. Satanists and Luciferians have to tell you what they’re going to do before they do it, per the good book

  2. Enough of the doom and gloom...I am so tired of hearing all this.
    Vaccines will be developed and treatments are being made available more every day. Protect yourself like you would for influenza and be smart and safe. We can be a country again.

  3. Has anyone else seen the photo of George Soros and a group of people including Dr Fauci?
    I'm not buying anything he's selling!

  4. Yes the virus will be with us probably until the end of time. Just like all other viruses and diseases. Therefore, we should keep the Country shut down? All, I can say if this continues with such fear and anxiety being demonstrated by the general populace and the continued violation of our Constitutional rights, maybe it will best to just pass the “Kool Aide”.
    There is no doubt to me that this the virus issue has become more POLITICAL than MEDICAL.

  5. Let's just hope things are handled better if this virus doesn't disappear or subside in the future. Even the terminology such as "social" distancing is asinine. I do know Gov Hogan as well as the CA governor do call it correctly which is "physically distancing." Then you have "essential" workers. I understand hospital workers, EMS's etc are very important at this time BUT fact stands EVERY worker in this country is essential. They are essential for their own and their family's livelihood. It is beyond ignorant to classify any worker as essential or non essential.

  6. The sky is falling the sky is falling Now be a good citizen and hide under your bed

    1. Careful 925...unless u can predict the future.

      B4 u think itOf course you have the freedom to say what u want ...that isn't the point.

      Think longterm...be happy u r alive...be happy IF u still have family since in a blink of an instant it can all be taken away.

  7. My business failed because of the pandemic,but I'm not holding a grudge.I'll start up again when it's over.

  8. Never happened with the gazillion other viruses China’s dumped on us

  9. They have also said for the last 2 winters we would be slammed with snow.

  10. Socialist scare tactics through the 2020 elections.

  11. Govt Better Keep the Relief $$$ coming then !!! & FIX Unemployment !!!


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