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Friday, May 29, 2020

BREAKING: President Trump signs order to fight online censorship

Moments ago in the Oval Office, President Trump signed an Executive Order to fight online censorship by technology corporations, including social media platforms.

Tech bias is a major issue facing our democracy. It challenges the free exchange of ideas and public debate that protects our civil liberties. Every citizen—liberal, conservative, or otherwise—has a right to be heard and treated fairly online.

🎬 WATCH: President Trump announces executive action to fight online censorship

In the next few hours, you may hear a lot about this Executive Order. Leftwing media will claim it addresses a fake problem because tech bias doesn’t exist. Democrats in Congress will say the President is exceeding his authority. Some in the Beltway establishment will say the order doesn’t do that much in the first place.

All of these are lies. Here are a few of the key actions in President Trump’s order:
Makes it U.S. policy that platforms who selectively edit, censor, or are not acting in “good faith” with regards to content will not receive the liability protectionincluded in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Directs the Commerce Department to petition the FCC to make clarifying ruleson Section 230 in line with U.S. policy

Helps stop millions of taxpayer dollars from being wasted by federal agencies on advertising with biased social media platforms

Ensures the Justice Department will review more than 16,000 complaints about politically motivated censorship that were collected by the White House in advance of a Social Media Summit held last year

Mobilizes State Attorneys General—who have massive subpoena and consumer protection authorities—to ensure social media platforms are not engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices

Acts as federal law and lists the many ways in which tech platforms act with bias against viewpoints they disagree with

Massive corporations that treat millions of American citizens unfairly shouldn’t expect special privileges and protections under the law. With President Trump’s Executive Order today, our country is one step closer to having an honest, fair public debate.

Read President Trump’s Executive Order on censorship here.


  1. These platforms need to stay out of it. Regardless of how they FEEL. They are 1st A platforms..denying anyone from getting on the soap box is censorship.

  2. It's about time someone tries to stop this social media BS . MAGA 2020 face book a**holles🤡

  3. Thank you mr President the left has hijacked MSM,public schools and now social media. We the people appreciate your hard work.

  4. Shut it all down! No more internet! You can write a letter to share your news and opinions.

  5. What a joke.

    We support private business, until we don't. Trump doesn't have to use twitter. No one HAS to use any of these forums. They are privately held companies. They don't HAVE to forward anyone's ideas, and being fact checked by them is in NO WAY a violation of anyone's free speech... they have in no way stopped you from your speech... they are exercising their freedom to not have you use their platform to do it.

    How simpler does it get than that?

    Pointing out FAKE NEWS is not violating free speech, now is it?

    This is politically motivated smoke and mirrors.

    The president is a petulant man child who doesn't like being fact checked on his false narrative, and this is just another tantrum.

    This action taken by him is not a Conservative ideal at all.

    This is fascism.

    This has to be challenged in the courts IMMEDIATELY.

    1. It will go to Supreme Court and White House will win but Biden and kamla will win. Your ss will be cut in half and trolling online won’t be as fun.

    2. It’s about the professionalism. If the owners want to make their own accounts and publish their liberal views that’s all fine and dandy everybody has that right. This is about sensorship to topics they don’t agree with and violating ones constitutional rights this is a public source and not a private business. They are all about equality until your a trump supporter/ conservative, then your a fascist bigot and have to be blocked. Wrong, it’s about time something was done about it, has to be fair for everybody or nobody at all. Got it?

  6. 230 has to be REPEALED.

  7. Trump made a conscious decision to use a free Twitter account as his primary means of communication. He thinks Twitter is somehow obligated to aid in spreading his misinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories, and outright lies, but Twitter isn’t having it. If Trump is unhappy with how Twitter is treating him, he can simply stop using it and delete his account. Problem solved.


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