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Friday, May 29, 2020

When does he sleep! This was posted at 1:10am


  1. Yea some people work all the time. Doesnt matter how late or early work needs to be done.

  2. Please tell us why Jails have to be better houses for bums than our hard working average John and Jane
    Doe Public Taxpayers. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio had the right idea on housing of these bums. I for one and tired of spending Billions on Jails.

  3. Pray for our president and our country.

  4. Ridiculous what's happened in MN. And just arresting TV members live on their air (yeah it was CNN of all networks...save the hatred for later) is embarrassing for our Nation.

    The world is watching and has to be laughing. MN leaders MUST go for not handling this properly.

    Sad TGIF because we are better than this.

  5. The President and the Governor need to stay out of this one. Let then crap in their own nests. Their grandmother/mothers/children deserve to live in the ruins. Experience is the best teacher and maybe then instead of just knowing how to make babies the grandmother/mothers will learn how to raise children properly. Animals do a better job of raising their young then these people do.

    1. That was uncalled for! Maybe your mother should have done a better job raising you! It seems like she did a pretty terrible job and left out a few important lessons (human decency, respect for others).

    2. Your silly. Tax payer money and all the mayors friends will get the contracts to rebuild it at top dollar. 100 of millions in damages.

    3. I agree with 7:35 if you stop giving them what they want when they throw a tantrum, it’ll eventually stop when they have to live with their choices. These people have no empathy because they were not raised right. If you don’t teach a child there’s consequences to every action, this is what you get. Sting that A$$ with a belt few times, it’ll change their attitude and make nice young men and ladies out of them. If they burn the city down, trump needs to stand his ground and make sure there’s no bailouts, let them live with it. I agree the cop went too far and let his rage inside get the best of him and should be punished to the max for such. Not a reason to riot and loot and hurt everybody else around you. It’s just an excuse to see what they can get away with.

  6. The democrat mayor could care less if they crap in their own nests and everyone has to admit there is some entertainment value in watching them destroy their own neighborhoods. It will be just like Baltimore. That democrat mayor also them go full primal in their own areas and loot and burn that down but when they get too close too the tourist areas and the business sections and more affluent areas they then started being arrested left and right. That is what will happen here.

  7. He was woken up and informed that the MN National Guard had just been activated and in his grogginess wrote that he would send them.

  8. This case is very similar to the "choke hold" death in NYC; too many cops have gone rogue. Terrible that one nasty cop has created this much turmoil. That being said, the "thugs" have undermined the death and memory of George Floyd and have seized the opportunity to create mayhem. Their actions have nothing to do with George Floyd but merely use the tragedy as an excuse to raise he!!, cause destruction, and take stuff. They are ignorant and a disgrace to their race.

  9. I’m not pleased that Lube Girl, Pencil Neck, Crooked Failed Fat Hoe (President wantabe), etc. are not in jail. Still, I didn’t go out and burn the businesses down or shoot, loot, hoot around town. But I’m just a ole man in Somerset County that doesn’t know you are suppose to do such a thing when displeased.


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