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Friday, May 29, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany shuts down reporter asking how many dead Americans should be considered a coronavirus success

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany shut down a reporter pressing her for a number of dead Americans that should be considered a success for the coronavirus response by the Trump administration.

Ryan Lizza of Politico asked the question during Tuesday's media briefing.

"What does the White House view, as having by election day, what does the White House view as the number of dead Americans where you can say that you successfully defeated this pandemic?" asked Lizza. "Is there a number?"

"Yeah, you know, every loss of life counts," responded McEnany.

"We say 100,000, but like the president says, one death is something to be mourned. These 100,000 individuals have a face, the president takes this very seriously, it's why he lowered the flag to half-staff for three days to remember these men and women," she continued.

"I think, you know, Dr. Birx said it best when she said that in their estimates they had anywhere between 1.5 and 2.2 million people in the U.S. succumbing to the virus if we didn't shut down the economy. The president made the very hard choice of shutting down the economy, so we avoided that extraordinary number," McEnany explained.



  1. I always hated dating women like her.I couldn't win regardless of how long I had planned my attack.

  2. The luciferians wanted allot more. Trump however is tripping up their evil plans. TRUMP 2020..however, expect the last attempt to steal the election will involve massive voter fraud and cheating. Stay strong. Pray for our nation and president

  3. I would consider having won just by having her on my side. Her actions are truly something to behold and I am glad she is part of the Trump Team. I just wish I could think as fast as she does. What a joy to watch her trample on the media idiots. She exposes the lack of professionalism and intelligence of "journalists" today. As they say, "You Go Girl"!!

  4. Mr. Lizza is anything but a reporter, in my opinion. What kind of questions is that? How is that news worthy? Typical left wing radical.

  5. This child is surely easy on the eyes. Would be a good asset (bright) to FOX NEWS after leaving the White House.


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