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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Nancy Pelosi is regarded as a 'rich, arrogant limousine liberal' by other Dems and had bitter feud with 'corporate sellout' Bill Clinton that culminated in her refusal to endorse Hillary for president, new book reveals

Nancy Pelosi is considered a 'rich and arrogant limousine liberal' who is out of touch with regular people - by her own party, a new biography obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com reveals.

Democrats recoiled at the idea of electing Pelosi as House Speaker in 2018 because her wealth made her 'unlikable'.

Pelosi, who is worth around $60 million, was thought of as somebody who 'looks down on the unwashed masses from her San Francisco mansion (or DC penthouse)'.

The 80-year-old faced similar allegations back in the 1980s when she began her career in Congress because her husband Paul is a multimillionaire who owns a real estate and a venture capital company.

The Pelosis also own a vineyard in Napa where they host weekend parties with the likes of former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt.

Pelosi's wealth recently drew some backlash from conservatives after her $24,000 fridge stuffed with luxury ice cream that sells for $12 a pint was featured in an interview with TV host James Corden.



  1. And they are just now figuring this out?

  2. Naw, as my mom woulda called her: Shes just a Walking around B#%×CH

  3. Oh Nancy, ye of little compassion; talk about "kissing the ring" mentality. I venture, if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retakes the House, she will resign and ride her broom into the sunset.

  4. Lots of dead people voted her in and the same will be with mail in vote if allowed.

  5. I'm a rabid Trump supporter, but it a little shallow to criticize the Speaker's 60 million wealth, while we elected a BILLIONAIRE to be president. 60 million is chump change to the president.

  6. 10:13 Agreed, but I "think"...as dangerous as that may be, that most of the hate, isnt aimed at her wealth, but more so at her arrogance, and open, public displays of lack of constitutional adherence. She IS the definition of partisan. But again, I agree

  7. 10:13. You have a point. However, President Trump cares for America by keeping his campaign promises. What has Nancy done for you. There is a difference. She is all about Nancy - you can't change her - it is too late.

  8. Maybe the Clintons will Knock her off then !!!! MAGA

  9. She = one person who has TOOO much power in the decisions in this
    country !!!


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