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Thursday, May 07, 2020


Anyone that was hoping for a “quick recovery” for the U.S. economy can forget about that right now.

Yes, many states are attempting to “reopen”, but in most cases it will be a multi-stage process that takes many months to complete. Meanwhile, fear of COVID-19 is going to keep many Americans from conducting business as usual even after all of the restrictions have been finally lifted.

Even now, many of the stores, restaurants and movie theaters that have reopened are seeing very, very few customers.

Unfortunately, millions of small businesses are not going to be able to survive in such a depressed economic environment for very long.

Barnes digs into the seen and unseen effects of a Shutdown that shouldn’t have happened

In America today, the rules of the game are slanted very heavily in favor of huge corporations and are slanted very heavily against small businesses.

It has been this way for years, but millions of small business owners just kept soldiering on because they wanted to work for themselves and not some corporate behemoth.

But for most small businesses things have never been easy. For most of them, it is usually such a struggle to try to eke out a very meager profit at the end of the month after covering expenses and payroll. But now COVID-19



  1. Folks the economy is done I just want Trump to help motivate people for the next four years.

  2. Another step to corporate slave jobs for all. All hail the new world order. So now it appears they are getting what they want regardless of the head witch hillary's loss!! Funny how that worked out. GLOBALLY!!
    We may survive but are we willing to Live free or die? OR cave to this new world order, a facists paradise.
    It may be the time to rage against this evil machine? or is it welcome my son, welcome to the machine?
    I have faith! Americans are tuff and will rebuild in spite of these endless physc OPS, get back to normal, work rebuild and prosper once again. Opportunity knocks-we answer!
    I just think the theft that occured since kuwait of this nations equity is serverly damaged by ALL previous adminisrations. Trumps 2 trillion contribution was extortion by the swamp to add another 2 floors to The house of cards they have been building.

  3. Because Govt Checks are about to END RIGHT NOW !!!!

  4. I believe putting small businesses out of business is the goal.
    The elites want to centralize power both politically and financially.

  5. This was easy to see coming and it's why I was so pissed off over the whole shutdown from day one.

    On a positive note, tho many of you will hate this:

    I live in West OC around Bucks. I just got take out sushi from The Rice House.

    All along the way, good amount of traffic, people walking, Smokers open, Shrimp Boat open, and just a great sunny and warm late day.

    Yea LIFE is coming back!

  6. Thank the incompetant GOVT !!!

  7. High Desert DawgMay 7, 2020 at 8:06 PM

    Another FINE job, our elected officials are doing! Oh, where to start? Ok, let's divide the country, then we can separate low income families by paying more to households without fathers, oh yeah, then we'll indoctrinate the youth with our education system, and CRUSH small business by forcing them to close, while we allow big box stores to remain open! Great plan!

  8. Oh well, lost a business, can carry this loss on taxes for years, big deal.

    1. Ok 8:56 apparently you've never felt the reward of ambition, and the positive feeling that "Making a difference" brings, so just go back to yer Netflix world, and let the adults get things done.

    2. Lol!

      That is hilarious!

      You WANT to lose money do you can pay the Masters less taxes?

      I am rolling on the floor . . . You know . . .

  9. Most small businesses operate on a shoestring or close to it. Plus, many have huge debts. This news is unfortunate but, not a surprise.

  10. The Backbone Of Our USA ! Sad ..So Very Sad !

  11. 8:56 Obviously you are not too smart.


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