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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Republican senator Richard Burr's brother-in-law dumped shares on the SAME DAY as the politician - who had just received a secret coronavirus briefing

Senator Richard Burr was not the only member of his family to sell off a significant portion of his stock holdings in February, ahead of the market crash spurred bycoronavirus fears, an investigation by ProPublica has revealed.

On the same day Burr sold, his brother-in-law also dumped tens of thousands of dollars worth of shares.

The market fell by more than 30% in the subsequent month.

Burr's brother-in-law, Gerald Fauth, who has a post on the National Mediation Board,sold between $97,000 and $280,000 worth of shares in six companies — including several that have been hit particularly hard in the market swoon and economic downturn.

A person who picked up Fauth's phone on Wednesday hung up when asked if Fauth and Burr had discussed the sales in advance. Fauth's sister Brooke is Burr's wife of more than 35 years.



  1. High Desert DawgMay 7, 2020 at 5:10 PM

    Lime I've always said (as a conservative), We need to keep our enemies (DEMS)close, but our friends (Republicans) CLOSER! We always blame corruption, and bad policies, etc. on the Dems, but come on people...The only way they get away with their crap is OUR WEEK KNEED, DEEP STATE REPUBLICANS!!! Othet than a handful of strong, Constitutionaly conservitive minded Republicans, of parties just as bad as the Dems! We need to hold OUR OWN PARTY ACCOUNTABLE!

  2. Keep in mind Burr and Fauth are mere puppets in the matrix.
    The elite families who own Central Banks made many $Billions from this scamdemic so far.


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