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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Finally, the world is catching on to China’s coronavirus lies

China’s government engaged in an “assault on international transparency” to the “endangerment of other countries,” concludes a report by the Five Eyes intelligence consortium of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

In other words, it’s not just the Trump administration making that case, as much of the US media would have you believe: It’s the intelligence pros of this country and some of its closest allies, some of them led by left-of-center politicians.

Australia’s Telegraph got the 15-page document detailing Beijing’s deliberate suppression of evidence, including: “disap­pearing” doctors and scientists who tried to sound the alarm; destroying proof at genomic-studies labs; and “bleaching of wildlife market stalls.” It also notes the regime’s “deadly denial of human-to-human trans­mission” when it knew the disease was spreading between people.

And China’s still stonewalling: It’s denying repeated international requests for a live virus sample from the first coronavirus cases. That would help researchers working on a vaccine — and maybe shed light on where and how the virus originated. Nor will it let in foreign experts to examine those origins.

Want more? An investigation by Canada’s Global News found that China secretly told embassies around the world to buy all personal protective equipment possible — in mid-January, when it knew the virus would likely go global.



  1. Keep digging and you will expose the democrats collusion.

  2. Believing this spin will completely eliminate (logically) any thoughts about the US Government / Military releasing the virus. It is diametrically opposed to that line of thought.

  3. We do not need another vaccine. Clean house at the CDC, FDA and NIH and then follow the money trail.

  4. They are trying to hide all evidence pointing to Dr. Fauci who authorized millions to China for research. The WHO involved also. That is why Fauci has been soft in dealing with the World Health Organization. They are criminals.


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