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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

It's Not Worth Reopening In Delaware


  1. So don't open.....

    Or grow a pair, retain a lawyer and open the hell up.

    EVERY place across the country that has opened, has been packed.

  2. I’ll just eat at home. Beats eating like I’m in prison.

  3. They can not expect any restaurant to remain in business with those guidelines. You would be losing money, correction bleeding money, at 30% capacity. The owner's need to ban together and sue to reopen! This is insane. Those collecting unemployment have no incentive to return to work with collecting 800 - 900 a week!! So even if they reopen where are they going to get the help?

  4. Impossible to be profitable. Thanks for permanently closing businesses carney, you are no better than that POS hogan


  5. C'mon, man. Carney you're leaving us hanging with this incomplete list.

    What degree of doneness for steaks?
    Is meat to be cut with the grain or against?
    Elbows permitted on the table?
    Flip flops permitted?
    When power washing table between customers, what is psi setting for salt/pepper/condiments?
    Can leftovers go home? Does the bag need to be organic, free trade artisanal crafted?

    OT; how come governor's hair doesn't grow?

    Asking for a friend.

    1. Your friend is funny! 😂

  6. The cost for all these efforts will be...WAIT FOR IT..

    Passed on to the customer. Who:

    - must make a reservation

    - must be related to everyone at the table

    - must stay seated unless going to the bathroom

    - must wonder why all of this is necessary where he/she can get their beverages of choice, subs at a local sub shop, head to the beach and move about like the want.

    Yeah Joe - not worth it from a owner to a customer.

  7. Its not worth going out to eat with all this BS! Sorry restaurants I will do carry out and continue to eat at home. Going out use to be fun now it will be a chore.

  8. Yes be good little slaves and follow these illegal orders!!!!! But you all know it all!!!!

    I am still waiting on someone who knows someone, that died or got sick from this virus!!!! All these deaths and sickness and not a god damn one of you can say you know anyone who was sick or died!!!!

    I also find it funny for those of you who know this virus is fake and over played, are still following orders like the salves you are!!!!

    1. Everybody that dies now, dies from the coronavirus. Didn't you know that 2:07, I thought for sure you would have that knowledge, the teacher that you are.

  9. Government needs to get the hell out of the way. All they need to say is simply, "socialize at your own risk."

  10. You can’t go out to dinner with friends? Whoever wrote these rules need to be fired. No restaurant can survive this.

  11. Wake up folks

    It isn’t supposed to reopen.
    The vaccine will be the final kill shot
    No need for these businesses

  12. It is just like flying after 9/11. I don't want to be strip searched before entering a restaurant.

  13. But there was no language on plastic straws!!!!!

  14. Well, they have to keep up with Ocean City Md !!! Shure they will too

  15. Lack of enforcement and all know it. All those signs on the OC boardwalk no smoking, no profanity, social Distancing and yet no enforcement. Good job Rickie


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