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Friday, May 15, 2020

Delaware Senate Candidate Witzke: Defy State’s ‘Political Control,’ Come Worship on Sunday

Lauren Witzke, a Republican candidate for Senate in the Delaware race against Democrat Chris Coons, is partnering with Glory City Fellowship Church in Delmar, Delaware, on Sunday in defiance of the state’s continued lockdown order, which deems churches non-essential businesses during the coronavirus outbreak.

Joy Hill, a native of Delaware, is pastor of the church.

“Pastor Hill has graciously decided to open her church to Christians in Delaware who have been denied their right to worship God freely due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Witzke told Breitbart News. “We are grateful that she has bravely stepped forward to stand up for God-fearing Delawareans and our campaign is excited to worship with her this Sunday.”

“America was told that the shutdowns were meant to ‘flatten the curve,’” Witzke said. “But now, radical left governors like [Delaware’s] John Carney and others around the country are using COVID-19 as a means of political control.”

“The Witzke campaign, unlike Senator Chris Coons, will not sit idly by while the government deprives Americans of their most basic rights, and we look forward to leading the charge in reopening places of worship and businesses in Delaware and across America,” Witzke told Breitbart News.

More here


  1. Chris Coons has needed his tree shaken for a long time. Is this the one?

    1. It is much better to pick fruit rather than shake it off the tree. It will bruise easily when it strikes the ground.

  2. Hmmmmmm.... Can she cut hair?

  3. Yes! Everyone needs to start doing this!

  4. A true leader. You have my vote.

  5. You also need to go back to work and save this country. Hell with Pelosi's extra 600.00 dollars. She is buying you.

  6. I just found my next wife!

    I wish....


  7. Good point, 1:39. I don't know how people can just refuse work and take this extra money without feeling guilty. Somebody will have to pay it back.

    We got $2400 a few days ago. We didn't need it.. but even if we did, it's not right.

    My son and his generation will have to pay for this in higher taxes-- so we just put it in the bank and will leave it to him. It's the only fair thing to do.

    And if they send us more, we'll do exactly the same thing.

  8. Coons + carney + carper = DUMBAWARE!

  9. 2:23 is correct.
    Coons, Carney & Carper = 3 little puppets taking orders from Nancy Pelosi


  10. Coon is the idiot who stood there with a jack o'lantern grin as Biden pawed his young daughter during Coons' swearing in ceremony. What a disgusting parent.

    By contrast, Senator Sessions, who some like to rip on, pushed Biden's paws away from his grandkid. BTW, Sessions was one of DJT's earliest supporters, and to best of my knowledge has remained positive and cordial in his comments. It would be good to get him back in the Senate, where he is experienced.

    The Constitution provides for freedom to worship. A large number of our earliest European settlers were fleeing religious persecution. Every governor who interfered with religious practices violated the Constitution, even if they thought it was for a good cause. Asking people to miss church for a few weeks is one thing; commanding them at the point of arrest is quite another.

    Hope she beats the little snot like a drum!

  11. Geez, keep her away from Biden. He'll be breaking into her apt. trying to raid her underwear drawer.

  12. Biden would Marry her & make her his V.P !!!!

  13. All the retired people from ny pa and jersey brought their liberal values to Delaware and turned it democrat ruining a great state.

  14. Anyone else come to the same conclusion I have, the Republican women are just gorgeous and the Democrat women are just plain Butt Ugly !

    1. Yep, been saying that for several years. It is a fact for the biggest percent. Every so often you’ll see a attractive left nut.


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