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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wisconsin Results Show Vote-by-Mail Gives Democrats an Edge

Voting by mail in Wisconsin significantly helped a liberal candidate win a race for the state Supreme Court, an analysis by The New York Times found.

The newspaper said liberal Jill Karofsky, actually performed 10 percentage points better than her conservative opponent, incumbent Daniel Kelly, in votes cast by mail than she did at polling places earlier this month.

In all, the results suggest Democrats were better organized in the vote-by-mail efforts. The election had forced voters to decide whether to vote in-person and possibly put their health at risk during the pandemic or send in their ballots by mail.

The Times analyzed data collected from 27 Wisconsin municipalities. It showed Karofsky’s vote-by-mail advantage was consistent across the communities.



  1. Yeah its called voter fraud

  2. Of course it does - that's how they cheat!

  3. It is called ballot stuffing, voter fraud, voter tampering, illegals voting

  4. It is called ballot stuffing, voter fraud, voter tampering, illegals voting

  5. So, lemme get this right. I CAN'T ck into a hotel without PROPER ID? I cant rent a car, or even a freaking video without PROPER ID? I cant board a plane without PROPER ID? But, they say VOTING ,one of Americad most important the and cherished freedoms it's ok to NOT HAVE PROPER ID. If WE allow this, we have no one to blame but ourselves! EVERY one of us needs to make it CRYSYSL CLEAR to our elected officials that IF that happens we just WONT vote...PERIOD. That's the only way our elected officials will listen to us! Our Republican officials are afraid to stand up to the Fems on this, because they're afraid they may lose some of their minority voters, yet they feel the "We're" in the bag, we've already voted fir them, si unless WE THE PEOPLE make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that if they don thg stand up, grow a pair, and start representing us, then well just STAY HOME and they'll lose ALl their voters. Weve been too busy pointing fingers at the Leftwr need to start falling out our own and hold them accountable!

  6. Oh gosh and golly............ya think?????

  7. If Biden wins welcome to the new world order.

  8. Lets just put them all in a 4 hour or more line and kill them all like the primary


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