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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Gov. Hogan on Trump's comments on disinfectant and sunlight to cure coronavirus

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, reacted on Sunday to President Trump’s comments on disinfectant and sunlight as a potential cure to coronavirus saying “some of the messaging” during White House news briefings “has not been great.”

Hogan made the comments on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday responding to Trump, in his White House coronavirus task force briefing Thursday, appearing to suggest that light and disinfectants might have the potential to treat the coronavirus.

“We had hundreds of calls in our hotline here in Maryland about people asking about injecting or ingesting these disinfectants, which is hard to imagine that people thought that that was serious, but people actually were thinking about this,” Hogan said on Sunday. “Was this something you could do to protect yourself?”

Trump’s comments prompted a number of stories condemning the statements, others seeking to defend the president and a scathing tweet from presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.



  1. Hogan the Horrible speaks again.

  2. You retards make me want to slap you... UV is a disinfectant and it will work 100% and will kill any and all viruses, germs and bacteria!!!! Use your damn pea sized brains for once in your damn life or just stop breathing!!!

  3. I think there are a number of ignorant people in Maryland that would interpret President Trump's "tongue-in-cheek" remark about ingesting a poisonous substance as a cure-all. Maybe he should have said to jump off a cliff and thereafter not have to worry about any infection. Hogan, is trying to rally more supporters by looking good in a situation he created in looking bad. Ordering 500.000 masks and gloves from South Korea, with his wife's help, just never took hold in being the smart thing to do. Unfortunately Hogan has surrounded himself with Democrats from Annapolis to give him advise.Sorry Hogan, I voted for you when you had an active platform. Unfortunately, that platform has collapsed.

  4. Anyone who would consider doing that is obviously NOT the brightest bulb in the pack. And...those same people VOTE!

  5. Beating a dead horse here. Prez says lots of things, we gonna retrace every darn day he's spoken CNN/MSNBC?

    Enough already - we are in a crisis, keep talking about drinking poison, some ding-dong out there not paying attention will hear it and do it....NOT because the Prez said it, because you ALL keep talking about it.

    MOVE ON!

  6. It doesn't surprise me one bit that so many Marylander's would call in to ask this question MD is a blue state and everyone has to admit all democrat voters are incredibly stupid and they all are liars as well. The President "suggested" no such thing. He asked if it was an option. But democrats being pure garbage and the worst kind of degenerates society has to offer twist his words into he suggested and the brainless democrat voters fall for the propaganda without fail.

    1. The blue voters in are Baltimore and the neighboring counties. Maryland is not all blue, just the heavily populated areas, that's why we get stuck with idiots for leaders.

  7. He never said those words and light treatment is in production in LA. Hogan will never be President he needs to focus on being a governor

  8. Hogan, the Democrat retard, is pushing the socialist agenda. Trump was stating facts from the Medical field.

  9. The first error in this article is that Hogan is not actually a Republican.. only claimed to be in order to get elected.

  10. You can bet your (insert YOUR. choice of word here) Biden’s comments are from his handlers. He is not capable of creating a full sentence.

  11. Bob Aswell....RealistApril 28, 2020 at 12:07 PM

    Larry Hogan has no right to criticize anyone as big a dumbass as he is. By the way, where is his lieutenant Rutherford? The blacks should realize that Rutherford has been put in his respective place (NUMBER 2) and has no voice for the blacks. This ladies and gents is POLITICS such as the prattle that Hogan is trying to make you think he's qualified to cipher out for the stupid voters in 23 counties and Balto.City. If he was as smart as Trump then most of the stupidity we're experiencing wouldn't be.
    The truth is, Hogan spouts oats that have already been through the horse. If he could explain anything about anything Mike Miller wouldn't have his hand up Hogan's ass. Hogan thinks he's so savvy following Millers advise when Miller is really just using him to push the Dimbocrats agenda. Don't worry, if Hogan is really numb enough to file for a major office he'll pay for all this crap BACK in spades.

  12. Gov Hogan start using what is left of your so called brain all we see is LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME makes you just as retarded as the rest of the Democrats

  13. Hogan is an idiot. Anything to shine in the good graces of the Liberal Elite eh you pig faced moron. All the Libs like Hogan talk about is how Trump doesn't know what he is doing then why treat his word as gospel now? The way I see it is if some idiots want to ingest or inject cleaning fluids then have at it. Natural Selection will weed most of you out.

  14. Sun light is a great disinfectant.

  15. Hogan can't say nothing. Hogan is allowing State agencies and Hospitals move patients to other areas of the State and utilize State buildings all the while spreading the virus Hogan willing endorses. This spreads the virus. Hogan the pathetic dog that needs to resign and give up his pension and benefits.

  16. Whats amazing is watching all the Trump supporters wrestle with their cognitive dissonance on this.

    On one hand, it's obvious what Trump said was stunningly stupid and completely absurd. Then he tried to call it being "sarcastic" which is obviously another lie made by a tiny fragile man with a tiny fragile ego (remember when he threw a tantrum and "took his toys home" after other world leaders were joking at his expense?)

    On the other had, well there is no other hand. There is no way to explain this away that doesn't make it seem even more absurd than it originally was.

    Sometimes it's easier to just take the loss and move on... wallowing in it makes it more obvious.

  17. People actually listen to Trump


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