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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Why 25 Md. cops will have paid leave until the pandemic is over because of their beards

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. — A year ago, Prince George’s County Police Chief Hank Stawinski broke with long-standing tradition and allowed his officers to grow beards.

Now, that order has been rescinded at the request of the county health officer who says beards aren’t compatible with protective face masks.

“We have to follow the CDC guidelines because it protects the officer, it protects his family and it protects the community," says Dr. Ernest Carter. "And so that’s why I asked him to change that policy.”


  1. Medical exceptions because shaving causes bumps. Shaving chits.

  2. What??..how do that many people have a medical condition that keeps them from shaving? This is unbelievable. Any one else suffer from this medical condition?

    1. I worked with a white guy that had the same shaving exemption because of the same condition.

  3. Now ALL will grow a beard !!!

  4. I read it is because they are all Muslims and the department doesn't want to get the bad publicity for picking on them, so it is just easier to pay them.

  5. "If you're prone to shaving bumps, use a shaving gel or lotion, shave in the direction of the hair, and change the blade often," Dr. Waldorf says. "After shaving, apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to any red or inflamed areas, or areas that frequently develop bumps."

  6. And when I was a Pinkerton security guard in the 70's, I had to shave my beard off just to get the job, guarding the old Winterplace horse farm in Salisbury (which was closed down and I never saw a single person except my boss and shift change guard). They were allowed to fire you if you grew a beard after being hired also.

  7. This is a waste of tax dollars. Make them shave or they quit with no benefits.

  8. Wow - doesn't seem fair to me. If you can't meet the standards put forth by your employer than you should be let go. Find another job that accommodates your needs not your employers - good luck with that. 😂

    1. Look at the bigger picture. If you fire them they can sue and will probably win for racial harassment. They will also be eligible for unemployment insurance for 39 weeks (13 extra CARES wedks) plus the bonus $600 a week until the end of july. The department will also have to replace them with new inexperienced officers that will need training ($$$$). Its probably cheaper to keep them on paid leave, as if they would consider shaving their beards so they can be safe in the N95 masks. If they don't want to shave, why cant they be assigned desk duty with civilian masks until the crisis is over. The officers they relieve on desk duty can be putvinti the field. Asking if they would perform desk duty, let's you know who is a dedicated officer and those who arent.

  9. MD hiring practices need to be reset.

  10. So give them desk jobs.

  11. So let them go .... bye bye, good luck, see ya, don't let the door hit you in the ass, etc

  12. A long standing rule for the NY Yankees. No facial hair, although I think they might allow mustaches now.

  13. They should be required to get rid of them.


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