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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Melinda Gates (2010): Vaccination Is The Key For Overpopulation


  1. She is a great example of someone who has a lot of money but no one around her is willing to jump off her gravy train and tell her how totally clueless she really is.

    They just keep saying how BRILLIANT she is and, uh, by the way, are we still getting that fat bonus for Christmas this year, Melinda??

    Keep cheering.

  2. Does anybody know what her credentials are? Or is this money tranlates to knowledge and expertise.

  3. A true globalist. Control the population by any means.

  4. Well, well, well...hopefully you're starting to come around that this is one big scam.

  5. OK, so what exactly is the problem with what she said?

    1. She's saying things that are not backed up by time and experience. This is what we are seeing as she says. Rich people going around the world helping who they think are the less fortunate is by no means impressive. It's another channel to line their own pockets. Ever heard of the Clintons?

  6. so Bill and Melinda are getting vaccinations first?

    1. No way they have private gardens and livestock.... she eats nothing conventional read her auto from 99 when they really hit big time.. just like no vaccine or non traditional medicine. She’s a Seattle nut job from way way back

  7. 1:26 dont count on it, they dont even vaccinate there own children.

  8. You guys are buffoons. Unless you have data to refute her conclusion, SHUT UP. All she said was that 1) those folks have multiple kids because mortality is so high, 2) if mortality was reduced, by these people's own words, they would have less kids, and 3) vaccines reduce mortality. Did you guys get dropped on your head and bathed in mercury when you were kids?

  9. Didn't listen to the interview. However she does not have the right to control anyone's right to have a child. The elite are not who needs to dictate how others should live. This virus has taught me that I never want to depend on anyone higher up in power than myself.

  10. Beware Bill and Melinda Gates. The are bad people with an agenda.

  11. Okay 4:47pm - if mortality rate is so high, why would having multiple children be a problem? I mean, heck, if they're worried about population that would seem to be self-evident...it sounds like she's talking out of both sides of her mouth


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