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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

China Threatens Australia If It Pushes For Investigation Over Coronavirus

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has reportedly threatened Australia over its push for an investigation into China’s handling of the coronavirus.

“Ambassador Cheng Jingye on Monday said the push was ‘dangerous’ and could encourage Chinese citizens to not purchase Australian exports or travel to the nation,” Sky News Australia reported. “The government however is not backing down from the call for an independent inquiry, with Foreign Minister Marise Payne criticizing the threat of an economic hit due to the push.”

Sky News Australia reporter Tom Connell said that Australian politicians were united in their push for a “global independent” investigation into the coronavirus, which originated in China.



  1. Why isn’t there a war?

  2. This is happening everywhere that China has extended their influence. There is only one logical solution. Destroy China before they do more damage to the world.


  3. HAHA!! Those Chinese don't know who they're messing with.

  4. US should join forces with Australia - let China try and intimidate US.

  5. If China has nothing to hide there actions speak otherwise.

  6. Gotta love those aussies!!! go get those democrats and china too!!!

  7. Where's crocodile Dundee when you need him?


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