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Thursday, April 09, 2020

We Work For The State. We Don't Need No Social Distancing Or Life Saving Masks


  1. First of all that's not the state dickweed. Pull it down.

  2. Since when does the State own its own milling machine or paver? Honestly, you can't tell how close those two of the left are standing.

    But please, since you're now an expert on paving, go out there and show them how to do it correctly.

  3. That's a private contractor, not a state vehicle. That contractor (George & Lynch) has put precautions out to all of their paving on how to do this safely as much as possible.

  4. Go stand by that machine for just a minute and you'll certainly find out why there is no threat of any virus to worry about.

  5. The asphalt pouring into that machine is 220°-290° don't believe that there's a virus capable of living in the air anywhere within 10'of the asphalt being laid.

  6. That’s right.
    None of us do.

  7. Amen!! If you work in construction for the state you have to work outside..but if you work in administrative- inside..then you get to stay home with your family and be safe and work from a computer...

  8. Do you want to do this job?

    I'd rather be on my but watching people work too..
    But I have to be at work..

  9. Wait one minute didnt you and Mark just get them to mill and grade your personal property at the hotel?
    For FREE

  10. No, they are working for a contractor for the state, not the state. And this is nit-picking. They are NO threat to the public.

  11. Quit trying to shame and demonize people, because you are one good slave JOE!!!!! It is not up to you or the god damn govt to tell me what to do and how to do it... It is real funny how everyone is sick, yet NOT A DAMN ONE OF YOU CAN TELL ME OR SHOW ME ANYONE YOU KNOW or ANY YOU KNOW THAT KNOWS SOMEONE who is sick or died!!!!! hmmmmmmmm

  12. Typical state worker

    one does the work

    the others watch him

    1. Read the other comments - identified as private contractor, not state employees. State employees are currently working in their office spaces (cubicles) to process your unemployment claim, so I'd watch who I bad mouth.

  13. To the Idiots who can't read the title. It says, WE WORK FOR THE STATE. The contractor is hired from the State, Idiots. They work for the state. Good Lord, some of you people are just plain Idiots. READ!

  14. With very little traffic on the roads, it is a perfect time to be working on them. Much safer for the workers.

    1. He doesn't understand that. Too much HATE clouds COMMON SENSE.

  15. Amen!! If you work in construction for the state you have to work outside..but if you work in administrative- inside..then you get to stay home with your family and be safe and work from a computer...

    April 9, 2020 at 7:29 AM

    Not true! All the construction companies I know still have their administrative staff going into the office everyday.

    1. Not all construction admins are working, but shouldn't government set the example? Everyone is being told to distance but we see the construction crews in close contact. Seems a little counter productive to social distancing.

  16. Good time to get work done that would've required a HUGE inconvenience to local via traffic....in the office season (not to mention IN SEASON)

    ??? Huh, don't remember traffic??? Well just think hard and remember when we ALL complained on here about the inconveniences in the past. "OMG it took me an additional 5-10 minutes to get to XXXXXXXX via the by-pass".... "Or I had to take the 90 bridge because the 50 bridge was stuck open...."

    Yeah, thought that was jar a brain cell or two.

    Get that roadwork completed now so when things start back up whenever - all will be better....from a road perspective.

    ONE day until TGIF!

  17. Be glad you don't need any Unemployment , cause Nobody can File till
    the NEW system comes online !!! At least you get Paid !!!

  18. Good time to finish construction downtown Salisbury. We have been on lockdown ever since Day took office.

  19. Downtown construction will never end.

  20. Company placed a winning bid to get a State contract....that does override the Standard Operating Procedures for G&L....if they have any established for the safety of their employees!! These folks are on the payroll of G&L not the State!


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