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Thursday, April 09, 2020

John Prine, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, dead at 73 from coronavirus complications

Grammy-winning folk and country singer-songwriter John Prine died Tuesday from complications related to coronavirus, his family confirmed to Rolling Stone. He was 73. He had been hospitalized March 26 and placed on a ventilator two days later.

His family tweeted news about his critical condition the following Sunday: “This is hard news for us to share. But so many of you have loved and supported John over the years, we wanted to let you know, and give you the chance to send out more of that love and support now. And know that we love you, and John loves you.”

His wife Fiona Whelan Prine, whom he married in 1996, said Monday that she had recovered from the virus but John was still in critical condition.



  1. A great writer.
    Very sad to lose him.

    Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven any more, they’re already over flowing from your dirty little war. . .

  2. He was in so-so health after his bouts with cancer. RIP.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Another elderly person with compromised health and pre-existing medical issues who is being represented by the media as another victim of the virus. I fit nicely into the elderly category, however, I had no health issues. In January, I flew from Seattle to DC and four days after arrival, I came down with the worst respiratory infection I have ever had. I had all the symptoms except I didn’t notice having a fever. The congestion was horrible and I ended up spending week in bed with an unbelievable cough. One night in particular, I awakened choking and unable to breathe. Fortunately, I was able to fight my way through it. This continued into February and in the first week of March, I noticed significant improvement and was able to sleep through the night. Still have a minor residual cough. All this took place after a five hour flight out of Seattle, which is a major entry point for Chinese visitors and immigrants and my flight included a significant number of them. During this period, there was not one mention of Coronavirus by the press or media I may have been one of the first victims. Coronavirus or just coincidence? You be the judge.

    1. And you unknowingly spread it to how many others???

  4. NW so you're the one who brought ccv to MD. and the shore.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: No, I was careful to self quarantine the whole time. Besides, I felt so badly that I didn’t want to be near others anyway. Since I am retired, I had no issues with having to be in contact with coworkers. Before any publicity about the virus, I wore a mask when no one else even considered it. I continued isolation til mid March when all symptoms subsided and subsequently have remained living here in my forest and have not been in contact with others. Going to check with doctor next week to see if I did have it and if I am producing antibodies that could help others. And no, I was not in Maryland or the shore at any time.


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