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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Wait...How Many Doctors Think Hydroxychloroquine Is Effective Against the Wuhan Coronavirus?

So, is it effective? Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug that has been reported to be effective against the symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus. Yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and one of President Trump’s top officials working to curb the outbreak in the U.S., has warned against saying this is full proof. He’s a professional. This is a new virus. This drug has not been tested in this regard, butthousands of doctors are saying it works.
In Michigan, Democratic State Representative Karen Whitsett contracted the disease and was given the drug. She said she felt relief from her symptoms in less than two hours. She was aware of hydroxychloroquine due to a recent Lyme’s Disease diagnosis but didn’t know it could be used to treat COVID-19. She credits the drug and President Trump for possibly saving her life.

Jackson and Coker, a healthcare staffing firm, did a survey of 1,200 doctors nationwide and found that 65 percent would prescribe the drug to their family if they were infected with the Wuhan coronavirus, with 67 percent saying they would take the drug themselves:



  1. LOL this is a case where all of your arm chair doctors and pharmacists clearly need to step back and let the professionals handle this. Just look at the dumb stuff you say and repeat:

    "She was aware of hydroxychloroquine due to a recent Lyme’s Disease diagnosis but didn’t know it could be used to treat COVID-19. She credits the drug and President Trump for possibly saving her life."

    Sure Lady, it was Trump. Not your doctor or the bevy of researchers that led to you receiving this care.

    1. If Trump had not mentioned it, you and your beloved commie media, would have been all over this drug. The fact is, many people have died whom otherwise may have lived because your TDS has dissolved what little brain matter left from years of drug abuse.

      Just shut up...the adults are talking.

    2. Please list your credentials so that we can see how much smarter you are then we dumb people.

  2. Like chicken soup.... it can’t hurt and it might help. I would sure try it...

  3. Bring this medicine on! Give it to us!!! I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to take it if I had the virus.

  4. 9:31. Actually it CAN hurt. Some people suffer terrible side effects from this drug and in some cases have died from improper dosing. Please wait until the properly done clinical studies have been completed before taking this drug for Covid-19. There are now several serious studies underway that will provide the answers we need about when and how this drug should be prescribed.

    1. Every drug has side effects, even Aspirin. I would rather risk the side effects than die..

    2. Where did you get this “some people have died” from this drug information? What side effects are you talking about? This is all new news to the FDA. Maybe you should report it to the proper govt agencies.

    3. Quick, somebody tell me how to get Malaria so I can legally take chloroquin. RISK ASSESSMENT: side effects or horrible death from virus??? I guess I will die a horrible death because this medication is only approved for Malaria...

  5. Proceed at your own risk

  6. Seems to me if they tell you that you are going to die, who the heck cares about side effects if this will make you live maybe. Anything is better than nothing.


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