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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Virginia Governor Orders Residents to Stay Home Until June 10

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on Monday issued an order to residents stay at home until June 10, part of expanded efforts to curtail the coronavirus pandemic that continues to spread across the country.

“I want to be clear: Do not go out unless you need to go out. This is very different than wanting to go out,” the Democratic governor said in announcing the order.

Northam noted that “some of our beaches and other recreational areas were literally packed” over the weekend, and warned that, “everyone who is gathering in a crowd is putting themselves and others at risk.”

The Virginia order goes into effect immediately and will remain in effect until June 10 unless the governor cancels it sooner. Violators can be punished by up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

Hours earlier, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced a similar “unprecedented” order, requiring residents to stay home except for essential trips such as grocery shopping or obtaining medical care. The order goes into effect at 8p.m. on Monday and will remain active until the state of emergency is over. Violators can be charged with a misdemeanor offense with penalties up to a year in jail or a $5,000 fine.

“We are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home. We are directing them to do so,” said Hogan, a Republican. “Every single Marylander can be a hero just by staying home.”



  1. A$$hole hogan wants to make marylanders stay home, but, won't stop new yorkers from entering the state. Kiss my a$$ hogan!!

  2. How is this different than what we’ve already been doing in Maryland??

    1. Because no one is staying home!

  3. This article to which you link is dated March 30.

  4. I suggest Northam and Hogan read Marbury vs. Madison. There is no way a legislature, much less a governor, can order or direct anything that is repugnant to the Constitution.

  5. This news is about 22 days old. Why is it being posted now? I was getting agitated until I read the last paragraph and noticed the date. This is kind of negligent to post now.

    1. Give Joe a pass. We get all this news FOR FREE, and you’re going to judge him as negligent?? Go buy a paper.

    2. Hahaha go buy a paper hahahaha

  6. Has anyone but me noticed that Hogan never wears a mask while he preaches to others about wearing THEIRS?

  7. Hogan reminds me of Joe on the three stooges and makes as much sense. This Virginia gov ole blackface is a tyrant !

  8. Hogan needed a big tax increase to balance the budget just 2 months ago so with all this money give away the state will be broke and won’t have money for food stamps,welfare state wages or anything unless the working taxpayer gets back to work.

  9. 4:14 oh did you not see what happened in New Orleans after Katrina? The Gov. disarmed law abiding citizens! How about in Jan. in Virginia, Gov. went against the law there and disarmed protesters.
    This why we have a 2nd. amendment to punish and remove Tyrants.

    When the free people are disarmed they are no longer citizens but subjects under the power of Tyrants. Thomas Jefferson 1774

  10. 5:14PM....I think Hogan is kidding about wearing a mask. How do I know, because he has not sent me one to wear yet.

  11. HOG an, Can kiss my ass too.

  12. 5:14PM... A “true leader”! He is leading by example. With his underlying medical conditions, he should be at home, (Governor”s Mansion), and remain there, as he continues to unlawfully “mandate” that we citizens of Maryland do. He should remain until he rescinds his unlawful mandate.

  13. He wore a mask as he walked to his last press conference. He took it off to speak, and then put it back on as he exited the area.

    1. Because he likes everyone to see him talk

  14. It is true about Virginia and mandate of June. WTH is wrong with these people. Directing you stay home - that pisses me off.

  15. Why did this get posted?

  16. Get the DEMON-CRATS out of ALL Govt !!!! Told Ya so !!!!

  17. This July is going to be awful with the ramp up of deaths from no one listening and getting together to drink and celebrate the holiday.

    At least our President has turned the opening up of the states and eventual deaths back onto the Governors. If a governor opens up too soon it is on them now.

    Trump 2020!!!!!

  18. No mask for me.
    “Sanctuary Face”
    The non citizens have more rights than the citizen.
    Wake up America’
    Fight the Power

  19. Lock me up for a year, when I'm done personally suing Hogan for violating my Constitutional Rights and for unlawful detention behind color of law he'll be living on the streets.

    You can stick your bullshit threats up that fat out of shape backside you have Hog.

    1. Hogan is a RINO, with crooked courts you won't win

  20. The two governors of Md and Virginia will cause a backlash like you've never seen , civil unrest and possible civil war. Virginia governor is the most hated man on the planet now, Hogan is the very next. Two peas in a pod.

  21. Cops are arresting out of state drivers also. Finally a good governor.

  22. Next is > NO SEX & Remain 6 ft apart at all times !!!

    $5,000 fine , up to 1 year in jail !!! Virginia !!!

  23. This is insanity. We are all on house arrest. I've only been out in my car 7 times since March 14. And each time errands with my mask and gloves. I'm not buying paint at Home Depot or other unnecessary trips and I'm slowly losing my mind alone in my house. If they pull 2 more months on MD'ers it is bound to be anarchy. People are getting complacent hearing the news blah blah blah every day. Now they are closing beaches and parks, where are you to go to get fresh air?

    1. I live in WV. Went to HD the other day and it was packed. (Yes, everyone was using SD.) The clerk said they have consistently had record breaking, Black Friday like sales numbers. Im so glad to be away from. MD and VA!

  24. Hogan is no Republican.He is a Rino.

  25. Is there anyone out enforcing the mask rule or no large gathering rule? I haven't heard of anyone getting in any trouble for either of these.

  26. MADD,...mutually assured destruction

  27. Hogan is watching the calender, beach season is coming. He will demand as much cash as possible, in early May, but by Memorial Day weekend, he will declared victory.

  28. Va Governor takes his orders from PUTIN !!!!

  29. Only Democrat Governors are dragging their feet - they want Trump to look bad. They don't care if it affects Democrat small businesses. They want Trump out at any costs - that means you - jobs or no jobs. I finally heard this very same Democratic strategy mentioned on TV. Also that Trump is encouraging demonstrations for political reasons.

  30. Moscow is Virginia's New Capital !!! 2020

  31. They forget just WHO is supposed to be running America. For the people and by the people has no meaning to them. They think that when they get elected, then that makes them our boss and that we cannot touch them. They could not be further from the truth. We need to remind them who we are.

  32. or he will Deport you to Moscow !!!!

  33. It remains to be seen if the. “Sheeple” will follow bleating all the way. They probably will in Maryland. Virginians probably not.


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