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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Response to Culver news release

GO HERE to see Executive Culver's original press release on this matter.

Response to Culver news release
To all:
First I would like to address Mr Culver's statement in his recent press release that certain Council members have created hysteria in the KIlbirnie-Walstons Switch neighborhoods.  In the 2016 Md. Dept of Environment (MDE) documents, the project in question is addressed as an Urban Service agreement. Earlier this year it came back to the Council as a pre-annexation agreement. Concerns arose after the citizens found out it was to be a pre-annexation agreement and no longer an urban services agreement.  They wanted to know when and why this changed.  I do not call that hysteria but a desire for additional information and clarification.  Many made contact with myself and other Council members requesting a public hearing. If you live in the County and found there was going to be a pre-annexation agreement in your neighborhood wouldn't you want more information?

The Council has also heard great concern from the area's volunteer fire department. Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department has been providing excellent service to these neighborhoods for years. In the past few years they have lost area to the City of Salisbury which affects their funding and recruitment.  In most situations, their response time has been less than the response time from City equipment. They are not disagreeing with the water line going to the airport, just that the bigger picture is that the citizens of Wicomico County need to be heard. Their fear is that the closest and most appropriate fire/EMS service is not utilized for calls due to annexation.  The current Fire Service Agreement does not protect their fire service area.

On April 17th, a fellow Council member requested from the County Executive's Office, that the Airport Manager and the engineer over-seeing the water project from the contracted engineering firm be present at our next Council meeting to offer answers to some of these questions.  The County Executive's office replied that the Airport Manager was not involved in the project and a question "what would be the purpose of the engineers being at the meeting." We took that as a"NO" to the request. The question now is," Why can't the County Council and citizens get any answers to valid concerns?" There are no engineers on the Council that can answer these question. Are we to understand that the Council is suppose to approve a large financial agreement that could have long ranging impact on the citizens of that area when the necessary information is being withheld from Council and homeowners? Four Council members agreed that more information was vital before voting for the project.

The City has said that it has no interest in any further annexation in the area at this time. However, one only has to look 1/2 mile North from Walstons Switch road to see areas that have been annexed. While this water line has been deemed a denied-access line, it would only take a request from the City and/or County to the State of Maryland to change this designation.  Also, if this water line is vital to the development of our airport, why is it being said that it cannot be used for the adjacent Airport Business Park?

In summation, some County Council members have been vilified in the media and in emails from people that don't even work or live in the area, for not just signing on the dotted line. When in fact, the responsibility actually rest on the shoulders of the County Executive's Office for not being forthcoming with information in a timely manner to the Council so that an informed decision could be made. And the County Executive bears a responsibility to inform and reply to the requests that the citizens have a voice by holding a public forum. Trying to push this vote through without more transparency and during a time of National crisis seems suspect at best. Why the rush?  The Council is more than willing to work collaboratively with the Executive's Office but when requests for information, questions on projects, etc. are met with resistance, silence or accusatory press releases, that is hard to do.

Wicomico County Councilman, District 5
Joe Holloway

Councilman Bill McCain responds to Joe Holloway
To all:

Joe, I have to respond to your response because of its inaccuracies and lack of facts. You keep referring to fears of annexation. Please read the water agreements. There is no “annexation” of anything taking place. The City of Salisbury does not do urban service agreements anymore and have not for some time. Any provisions of water outside their municipal city limits requires a pre-annexation agreement. This does not mean anything is being annexed and in fact to relieve any such fears the Airport agreement includes a clause/statement that no such agreement can be considered until 30 years have passed. You fail to mention that very important clause in any of your statements. In addition, you also fail to mention that the City of Salisbury cannot just annex anyone’s property. Property owners have to petition to be annexed.

You also fail to mention the fact that the water line is a dedicated denied access line that only permitted purpose by the Maryland Department of the Environment is to provide potable public water to the Airport. Residents cannot tap into the line.

As the County Council representative of the citizens in the area you are referencing, you should take the responsibility to help them understand the facts and explain to them the facts. You also failed to mention and inform your constituents that the construction contract was extended 90 days in February and expires May 12. Which creates an urgency of this matter. The County Council’s failure to act for the second time regarding the construction contract will certainly cost our taxpayers significant dollars probably in the hundreds of thousands. Not to mention the threatened future of our most treasured Airport asset. The State of Maryland recognized the importance of this project and thus awarded the County 4 million dollars. Another fact you failed to mention. This delay tactic will now place that in jeopardy. Trust me, other counties in the State of Maryland will be happy to take our 4 million dollars and put it to use in their counties.

It is even more disappointing to see statements in your conclusion about trying to accuse the Council of trying to pass the resolution through without transparency and during the current climate.  This project has been in the works for nearly four years, publicized often, and this agreement was just discussed in detail in a council public open work session in January.

The public is able and welcomed to send the County Council any concerns and have done so over several weeks. All public comments regarding this issue that are submitted have been shared with all council members. Thus, delaying for a public hearing which is not required for a resolution serves no purpose.

I will continue to advocate to make Wicomico County a better place to live, work, and play.

Bill McCain, Wicomico ,County Council At Large


  1. Your salisbury wicomico county government have sold out all its citizens to Jake Day's urbanization of the area. Enjoy all the influx of new York and New Jersey, Pennsylvania residents moving here bringing with them their liberal (free stuff for everyone) attitudes. Day will get his wishes merging salisbury wicomico county and finally getting his hands on all funds available. Enjoy your 50% tax increases when he screws things up and tries to pay for all this garbage. You people just sit back and take it in the ass

  2. Citizens beware, just look at what is going on with the Democrats in our country and over lay it on Wicomico County. Now how many of you would take the words of Democrats. For example. The Republicans just wanted a simple vote on allotting more funding for small businesses. The Democrats seized on the moment to put in other funding that would have to be delayed by arguing back and forth for something that could come in a later bill. This is what they do. Sure, now they say annexation isn't being considered but after it is passed they say they never really meant it in that manner. Wicomico citizens, you need to wake up to what the Democrats are doing in our county and our country. Jon E. Jrr.

  3. A new well a treatment plant will be much cheaper in the long run and we don't need the road to torn up for 5+ years like downtown Salisbury.

  4. Joe Holloway has a ton more worries coming than this.

  5. Where are the libertarians? Is there not one who is old enough to run?

  6. Don't believe anything you hear from bill mccain! he only does and says what's in his best interest!

  7. Cost wise, time wise and efficient wise...there is zero reason to not do a well and or larger size pump {I would think they already have the well} and a sewage system VS the city annex cahcah. Id like to hear their reasoning for even considering it, is there a reason they wont publicly discuss the why/why not? I think everyone is past sick and tired of having to constantly be one the watch for corrupt underhanded behind closed doors deals. Do we need to bring back the gallows to keep you people honest?!?!?!

  8. Joe, you are wrong.

  9. McCain is only looking out for his real estate buddies. There is a plat of land listed on Walston Switch Rd by Henry Hanna for 1.5 million dollars. This is between Choptank Electric and Mt Hermon rd, in the listing it states that is with a pre annexation clause. The buyer will get the opportunity to hook up to the denied access line and then the property.

  10. This makes good economic sense. Who care is out of towners move here? Who do you think is gonna keep this place going when the born heres die out and the kids move away. The jobs and economic impact will help dealing with the COVID response but putting people to work bringing more tourist and business here etc etc. This is a good plan for the County and the city yes gets paid. No one in Kilburnie or on Walston switch is going to get annexed so rest assured someone else will be paying the burden for your district and not you via taxes. So have a public hearing listen to what everyone has to say and do what is best for the county. Cause well you know that is what the council is know for right? BTW vote every Cannon and Holloway out they are the most divisive I have ever seen in my life.

  11. Bill McCain is a f'ing joke!! Hey Bill take that stick out of your ass and stop playing both sides against the middle

  12. There's someone sitting at the airport laughing...

    I can hear that person, and a few of those this person is surrounded by.


  13. Bill McCain would be raising Hell if the city tried to annex his $1 Million dollar home on the Wicomico River.

    1. McCain's home is built on a toxic landfill. That property is full of buried waste oils and gear oils from the old fish products that used to operate in that land. I wouldn't give them 10 dollars for a home in that shit hole

  14. Anonymous said...
    Joe Holloway has a ton more worries coming than this.

    April 23, 2020 at 5:06 PM


  15. Well, It's obvious that John Cannon and Bill McCain have something to gain financially from this pipestem annexation just like Mike Dunn did at Victoria Park at Sassafras Meadows when he was the President of the Salisbury City Council. No wonder Mike Dunn is pushing this as hard as he is.

    Mr. Culver if you don't want to be connected to this corruption you might want to back away from this. This doesn't pass the smell test. Vote no now!

  16. Well here's the deal, from someone who knows. there are many parcels by the airport that to put in water and sewer would cost the landowners a small fortune. so some of the land was donated to the county with a 99-year leaseback for pennies. this way the land gets the water and sewer at taxpayer expense and the original landowner gets the property upgraded with water and sewer at no expense! sweet deal for them, you and me not so much!
    This is how the good ole boy network continues to thrive with these backroom deals!

  17. This MDE document is outdated, it refers to an urban services district. The resolutions are for a pre-annexation agreement. Looks as if Bob and Jake have kissed and made up.... for now.

  18. The Greater Salisbury Committee and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce are nothing but special interest groups that need to mind their own business.

  19. I saw the meeting on pac 14 and that guy from the tricounty council that sent that long boring letter needs to be careful because he could easily be replaced by some councilmembers. Don't try to get shitty with your bosses.

  20. The airport has become a blackhole that will suck dry the County’s general fund balance. If you look at Bob Culver’s recently released 2021 adopted operating budget, the airport will require a $783,809.65 operating subsidy from the general fund (tax payers money). That’s nearly $160,000 more that the current $622,043.47 general fund subsidy required in 2020. Also, surprising is the increase in the airport manager’s salary (currently on extended leave without pay) at $122,570 in 2021. That a near $6000 pay raise from her current salary of $116,733. No one deserves a pay increase when our county is losing money due to this pandemic.

    Bob Culver has failed the citizens of Wicomico County by not doing the current budget over like many other counties have done.

  21. Isn't it lovely to watch the kids play nice in the catbox!

  22. If the land will never be annexed, then why have a pre annexation at all?! It will be annexed and sooner then they say. Everyone knows it. And it is a dirty deal. Some of the property owners on Walston Switch just tripled their value of their land and there is talk of apartments on the horizon. Just look at how much more they are charging for the land now. The airport is being destroyed. The new manager thinks it will be a big old City airport. It just isn't. Any deal with the city seems dirty at this point. The city already advertises it as if it owns it. Remember the sign that had to be removed that the city was behind? Wake up the people!!

  23. Beware citizens, remember what I said previously about Democrats. Some of the people trying to put this across on the citizens are easily recognized in these comments. Can you see them? 7:54-5:43. I hope the four council members and Bob Culver put this aside and look for a different solution. It's out there. Jon E. Jrr.

  24. Dear April 24, 2020 at 8:10 AM Council Person,

    Instead of anonymously placing your comments on a blog, be forthcoming and tell the employees your feelings on pay raises. Your statement "No one deserves a pay increase when our county is losing money due to this pandemic". Are you saying no one deserves a cost of living increase?

  25. Does anyone else find it ironic that John Cannon has all of a sudden become best buds with the County Executive and for the past 6 years they have argued on everything? I mean nasty attacks. This is very suspicious Mr. John Cannon. Hmmm!

  26. Anonymous said...
    Cost wise, time wise and efficient wise...there is zero reason to not do a well and or larger size pump {I would think they already have the well} and a sewage system VS the city annex cahcah. Id like to hear their reasoning for even considering it, is there a reason they wont publicly discuss the why/why not? I think everyone is past sick and tired of having to constantly be one the watch for corrupt underhanded behind closed doors deals. Do we need to bring back the gallows to keep you people honest?!?!?!

    April 23, 2020 at 5:39 PM

    You are 100% correct.

  27. As a taxpaying voter in District 5, I am telling you that I moved to my new home so that I don't have to pay city and county taxes. My water and sewer are just fine and I don't want to pay a water and sewer bill. Not today or not 30 years from now when my home will be paid for. As a county, state and federal taxpayer I do NOT want my hard-earned tax dollars going to an annexation plan that will benefit some developers at my expense. I will spend every nickel I have saved to vote out Bob Culver, John Cannon, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings. Yes, I will go on a campaign with many supporters to remove you from office. Remember Voice?

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dear April 24, 2020 at 8:10 AM Council Person,

    Instead of anonymously placing your comments on a blog, be forthcoming and tell the employees your feelings on pay raises. Your statement "No one deserves a pay increase when our county is losing money due to this pandemic". Are you saying no one deserves a cost of living increase?

    April 24, 2020 at 1:08 PM

    I'm not sure how you read a "council person" was 8:10 AM?? There are more people than "council persons" that know what the Hell is going on in Wicomico County where some of ust pay more taxes than you do. But that's Ok, go stick your head back in the sand and let the Culver, Cannon and McCain spend your money.

  29. Anonymous said...
    McCain is only looking out for his real estate buddies. There is a plat of land listed on Walston Switch Rd by Henry Hanna for 1.5 million dollars. This is between Choptank Electric and Mt Hermon rd, in the listing it states that is with a pre annexation clause. The buyer will get the opportunity to hook up to the denied access line and then the property.

    April 23, 2020 at 7:48 PM

    Yep, I saw that as well. Henry will sneak in one of his confidential LLC's and no one will know that he benefits from that. Henry might go in partners with someone and charge outrageous prices for the property that is developed.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Beware citizens, remember what I said previously about Democrats. Some of the people trying to put this across on the citizens are easily recognized in these comments. Can you see them? 7:54-5:43. I hope the four council members and Bob Culver put this aside and look for a different solution. It's out there. Jon E. Jrr.

    April 24, 2020 at 9:14 AM

    The solution is for the county to do their own water plant and do the right thing to make water and sewer available IF the county property owners need it. Let the county bring in the revenue by "selling" water to the constituents. Anything else is almost criminal.

  31. It's obvious there is a MAJOR POWER STRUGGLE in Wicomico County Politics.Who is going to be the first to try to take advantage of BOB CULVERS ILLNESS ? The stage is being set .In fact the first shots may have already been fired.'

  32. LOL
    The solution is for the county to do their own water plant and do the right thing to make water and sewer available IF the county property owners need it. Let the county bring in the revenue by "selling" water to the constituents. Anything else is almost criminal.

    April 24, 2020 at 3:13 PM
    Do you know how much that will cost and "selling" is charging so you would still end up paying more than the no resistant city taxes.

    I would say go to the public forum and ask for disclosure on the outlining ownership of property next to airport that is and could be for sale and what connections they have.

  33. This is where Bob Culver's leadership as the County Executive should have stepped in to save Wicomico County residents from the City and Jake Day. But no, he spent thousands of dollars(our tax dollars) and took Jake Day to court just to give him half of the Government Office Building. Now he is giving Jake Day our Wicomico County Airport and forcing the Citizens in that area, the east side of the county, to be annexed into the armpit of Wicomico County. He has joined forces and jumped in bed with John Cannon, Bill McCain, Bill Chambers, Mike Dunn, et. al. It's time for Bob Culver to step down!

  34. Anonymous said...
    It's obvious there is a MAJOR POWER STRUGGLE in Wicomico County Politics.Who is going to be the first to try to take advantage of BOB CULVERS ILLNESS ? The stage is being set .In fact the first shots may have already been fired.'

    April 24, 2020 at 3:47 PM

    I'm not sure what you are claiming is an obvious "MAJOR POWER STRUGGLE" but I do find it odd that after 6 years of hate and public arguing that John Cannon and Bob Culver have united on this one issue against the citizens of District 5 and District 3. Bob Culver has already publically stated that John Cannon wants his job as County Executive. There is a snake in the woodpile Mr. Culver. You better wake up.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Well, It's obvious that John Cannon and Bill McCain have something to gain financially from this pipestem annexation just like Mike Dunn did at Victoria Park at Sassafras Meadows when he was the President of the Salisbury City Council. No wonder Mike Dunn is pushing this as hard as he is.

    Mr. Culver if you don't want to be connected to this corruption you might want to back away from this. This doesn't pass the smell test. Vote no now!

    April 24, 2020 at 8:03 AM

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Wake up Mr. Culver before you end up in the unemployment line.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The solution is for the county to do their own water plant and do the right thing to make water and sewer available IF the county property owners need it. Let the county bring in the revenue by "selling" water to the constituents. Anything else is almost criminal.

    April 24, 2020 at 3:13 PM
    Do you know how much that will cost and "selling" is charging so you would still end up paying more than the no resistant city taxes.

    I would say go to the public forum and ask for disclosure on the outlining ownership of property next to airport that is and could be for sale and what connections they have.

    April 24, 2020 at 4:37 PM

    You might want to reconsider that thought about the property next to the airport. You want to look at the property all the way to that water tower. There is a lot of vacant land around there.

  37. Anonymous said...
    The solution is for the county to do their own water plant and do the right thing to make water and sewer available IF the county property owners need it. Let the county bring in the revenue by "selling" water to the constituents. Anything else is almost criminal.

    April 24, 2020 at 3:13 PM
    Do you know how much that will cost and "selling" is charging so you would still end up paying more than the no resistant city taxes.

    I would say go to the public forum and ask for disclosure on the outlining ownership of property next to airport that is and could be for sale and what connections they have.

    April 24, 2020 at 4:37 PM

    I wonder what the LOL means at the top? Please elaborate whoever wrote the LOL.

  38. "Tho we shall walketh through the valley of death!" We are gathered here today to remember the life and times of Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver, He was such a Piece of Shit Politician!!! May his soul never rest in peace!! Amen

  39. Man 8.41 That is just not right. Bob Culver has tried to do the best for this county and made some questionable decisions but man.

  40. I thought Liberal Bill McCain was on PAC 14 the other night saying he didn't want to "get into a letter writing campaign" about something else?? But since it deals with spending taxpayer dollars he is quick to chime in with a silly letter.

    Mr. Bill, this proves that you have a special interest in this project. You might want to quit doing business with the county that you were elected to represent!

    Where is the Ethics Commission when you need them? Time to do an investigation into all the business that Bill McCain is doing with Wicomico County.


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