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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Very Cool


  1. The sound of freedom

  2. as the husband of a nurse, I say maybe this guy should push for them to get hazard pay and enough PPE instead of empty gestures...I failed for him in 2016 and I will spend the rest of my life apologizing for being conned this mad man....November can't come soon enough when we vote his retarded sociopath out of office...

    1. You write like Joe “China”Biden (accused rapist) talks. Congrats .. spell check

    2. You must have caught the 19, 11:54, you're thinking process has been compromised

  3. Dump the trump and to hell with his cult!!

    1. When will u be coming out of the basement so we can have a few WORDS.

  4. Imagine your friend / brother / sister who you are certain is financially broke.
    No money in the bank.
    Spends everything he / she makes and then some.
    Imagine that virtually everybody has an IOU (US Bond) from him / her.

    Now imagine that he / she tells you, "I'm going to honor you bigger than anyone else you know, and I'm going to do it by borrowing a boat load of currency, and then pay for the biggest air show you've ever seen. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. It will be great."

    Can you imagine it?

    1. 11:11
      My my my

      Thank you for a very funny comment.
      Loved it

  5. Seems like a lot of waste to me. All that fuel.

    1. Just a drop in the bucket to what our government waste daily in this country, been going on for decades.

    2. .33 cent a gal.

  6. You go President Trump. Vote Trump 2020.

  7. Tankfulls of 75% alcohol and 25% water mixed should be affixed to the underside of airplanes in general.The water causes the alcohol to evaporate much slower and when released at an altitude of 500'will kill virtually any virus on the ground before it evaporates.This would not work in the high flying planes.It also has no impact on insects and plant life.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Dump the trump and to hell with his cult!!

    April 25, 2020 at 10:39 AM

    Awww... Poor Libtard Socialist can't think for himself. Sign your name, Pu$$y!

  9. Anonymous said...
    as the husband of a nurse, I say maybe this guy should push for them to get hazard pay and enough PPE instead of empty gestures...I failed for him in 2016 and I will spend the rest of my life apologizing for being conned this mad man....November can't come soon enough when we vote his retarded sociopath out of office...

    April 25, 2020 at 10:38 AM

    You are full of $hit! This man is much better than that illegal Muslim that occupied the Whitehouse from 2009 until 2017. Wake you dumb Moron! The retarded sociopath is you and your Obama Cult.

    Nurses don't need hazard pay for this Hoax Virus. They are the ones that went to nursing school to become a nurse and get awesome pay, just like police officers and paramedics did. Fk off, Socialist Moron!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Imagine your friend / brother / sister who you are certain is financially broke.
    No money in the bank.
    Spends everything he / she makes and then some.
    Imagine that virtually everybody has an IOU (US Bond) from him / her.

    Now imagine that he / she tells you, "I'm going to honor you bigger than anyone else you know, and I'm going to do it by borrowing a boat load of currency, and then pay for the biggest air show you've ever seen. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. It will be great."

    Can you imagine it?

    April 25, 2020 at 11:11 AM

    You are the same Socialist that wrote the comments above.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Seems like a lot of waste to me. All that fuel.

    April 25, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    How is it a lot of wasted fuel when oil companies can't give it away at -$35 a barrel?

    You sound like an Obama voter who never complained about air shows when that clown illegally occupied the White House.

  12. Thank God we have a real President in our Country who loves its citizens.




  13. 1038 your the reason why I voted trump in 2016 and I’m not alone.

  14. 10:38 :Amazing- when things get a little tough - the weak bail out. Trump has done more for this country than any other President. You can't please everyone but this man is doing a great job. Get real people Biden doesn't know what day it is - let alone run America. Don't be a Pollick meaning (stupid person.) Twit 😂😂😂

  15. Well, to the ones labeling ALL medical workers HEROS, I'm ALL about the Blue Angels, etc, and me and my 401k, investment funds, etc are BIG Trump fans, and I ABSOLUTLY 100% appreciate what our medical professionals do. I actually owe my life to a few of them...Buuuut, they are NOT heroes. I mean NO disrespect, by any means, and I support them and their work BUT, medical workers, police, firemen, soldiers (I'm a vet myself) are not by definition HEROES. IM sorry if this offends anyone, but ever since 9/11 our country has used that word way too much! A Hero by definition is ANYONE who literally RISKS their life above & beyond with NO underlying motive to save another human. Again, as a VET myself, this term gets thrown around. We ALL sign up for the duties, and accept PAY, again, by definition, that doesn't make us heres, but YES some of them are heroes, and have done heroic things, but just having a job title makes no one a hero. Sorry if that hurts any egos, but many of us feel that word is used so randomly that its lost its value and meaning. SOooo, how much of our tax dollars are these flyovets gonna cost us?...just saying


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