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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Potential Wuhan Coronavirus Treatment Uses UV Light to Disinfect Lungs

Maybe Trump missed his calling as a medical researcher. The president was roundlycriticized for pondering whether or not UV light or other disinfectants that have proved effective at killing the Wuhan coronavirus on surfaces could somehow be administered inside the body to treat patients suffering from the disease. During Thursday's coronavirus task force briefing, President Trump asked White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx whether sunlight has been explored as a possible treatment for those suffering from disease, specifically the coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," Dr. Birx answered the president. "I mean, certainly fever is a good thing when you have a fever. It helps your body respond. But not as, I have not seen heat or ..."

The president cut her answer short. "I think that’s a great thing to look at," the president interjected.



  1. So now you all know to not criticize him when he spouts off some goofy idea because he has inside information from companies and intelligence communities that nobody else has access.


    1. What flavor is the Kool-Aid today. Fruit punch or Lysol?

    2. Trump trolled you fools again hahaha

  2. Open up the tanning Salons.

  3. RESEARCH...this is NOT 'new technology'. People aka a$$holes are so quick to be critical of the BEST President the USA will likely ever see! Yeah, his rambling and sometimes off the cuff comments aren't often a 'good thing' but they pale in comparison of the GOOD this man does for this country.

    1. I like trump but why would he say he was being sarcastic? Either he knows inside information or he's being sarcastic. Which is it? It's getting hard to defend him.

  4. I don't know how President Trump handles all this negativity. The man is a saint in my book.


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