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Saturday, April 25, 2020

USDA terminates Chinese-owned Smithfield farm aid contract

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture terminated a $240,000 purchase contract with Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods that had been awarded under the Trump administration’s agricultural trade bailout program, a move taken at the company’s request, a department spokesman told Reuters on Friday.

The move comes weeks after Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, one of the country’s biggest farm states and the biggest hog-producing state, slammed Smithfield for receiving what he said was aid from the USDA that was meant to help American farmers hurt by China’s trade tariffs.

“Smithfield requested to terminate their contract awarded under the Food Purchase and Distribution Program. USDA has agreed to the termination,” Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the USDA, told Reuters.

Murtaugh said the transfer of funds for the food purchase contract had not yet taken place, and that Smithfield’s request to cancel the contract was received on Nov. 13.



  1. Yes! Help the farmers growing for Smithfield to become profitable family-owned American farms again. That’s how you strengthen and create a reliable, sustainable food chain.

  2. It really worries me when Democrats and RINO's allow foreign entities to buy and own our properties and businesses. Wake up, you damn dumb Traitors. The traitors are also the ones who vote for these traitors.

  3. This is a 2018 article...meaningless.

    The USA needs to terminate ALL funds to China and any businesses/industries they own even 1% of. Hit those b@stards where they will FEEL IT, KNOW IT and damned sure REMEMBER IT!

  4. I really like Smithfield hams, but I didn't know the chicoms owned the company.

    I will never ever buy one again.

    I think a Krakus Polish ham from now on.


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