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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

US officials confirm full-scale investigation of whether coronavirus escaped from Wuhan lab

EXCLUSIVE: The U.S. is conducting a full-scale investigation into whether the novel coronavirus, which went on to morph into a global pandemic that has brought the global economy to its knees, escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, Fox News has learned.

Intelligence operatives are said to be gathering information about the laboratory and the initial outbreak of the virus. Intelligence analysts are piecing together a timeline of what the government knew and “creating an accurate picture of what happened,” the sources said.

Once that investigation is complete -- something that is expected to happen in the near-term -- the findings will be presented to the Trump administration. At that point White House policymakers and President Trump will use the findings to determine how to hold the country accountable for the pandemic.

Fox News first reported on Wednesday that there is increasing confidence that the outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan lab, not as a bioweapon but as part of a Chinese effort to show that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal or greater than those of the U.S.



  1. Puleeeze

    The government will investigate the government. Beautiful. Don’t worry. Nothing to see here.

  2. Sure it escaped from there with a little help from friends who wanted it to. You will NEVER make me believe it was a Bat either. This was man made no doubt. When will people realize that China is a communist country that wants to take over the Global World, U.S. included and they have help in the U.S. too.

    1. And the US helps them, also, by being in debt to them for decades.

  3. 11:44 I am in agreement with your theory. They are our enemies, and we have to stop them sooner than later. They are evil. It was obvious from the start that they let this horrible weapon loose.Our nation is loaded with their spies and I hope that the truth be shown quickly.


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